DCR Systems Shops Offer Complimentary Clean-Up for Healthcare Workers

July 2020 – To express gratitude to front-line healthcare workers who are risking their lives to care for patients of COVID-19 and other ailments, DCR Systems LLC joined the “Freshen Up the Front Lines” initiative. Since May 5th, DCR shops are offering complimentary clean-up for healthcare workers. The Collision Center in Rockland, Massachusetts recently explained the initiative in a Facebook post: “To show our appreciation [for healthcare workers], we want to clean up your ride, for nothing! For all you do, this one is for you… a complimentary clean up and sanitization of your vehicle. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!”
On May 5th, DCR’s Arynne Giarrizzo joined her brother on Facebook Live to announce that DCR Systems’ shops would be offering the free car wash and interior wipe down using disinfectant. “We’re excited to offer a free carwash and inside cleaning with disinfectant for our frontline healthcare workers,” she said. “Call us to schedule an appointment, and when you arrive, we take the keys, and you can sit back and relax in the waiting room, while we take care of you. We encourage anyone on the front lines to call us – it’s an honor to do this for them!”
Arynne Giarrizzo added a shout out to DCR’s technicians as well: “As essential employees, our techs are also battling the uncertain condition of working on people’s cars every day. They help return customers’ cars in a timely manner and confront unknown elements during this pandemic. We appreciate all their hard work and dedication.”
According to DCR Systems President Michael Giarrizzo, “The car cleanup consists of a wipe down using disinfectant, vacuum and interior clean, along with an outer wash, tire/wheel and window clean. DCR Systems wanted to offer this service as a gesture of appreciation for the frontline folks who risk their health and well-being to take care of the ones in need. With all these healthcare workers have going on, cleaning the car probably doesn’t get high on the priority list so we are saying ‘We’ve got you on this one!’ We were inspired by the Freshen Up the Front Lines movement and wanted to help. Our team is on fire with creativity and innovation.”
All DCR Systems shops are now offering this benefit to frontline healthcare workers. Locations include Classic Accident Repair Center in Mentor, OH; Metro Accident Repair Center in Brookpark, OH; Mike Johnson’s Collision Center in Hickory, NC; Shults Accident Repair Center in Jamestown, NY; Lindsay Auto Body in Columbus, OH; and The Collision Center in Rockland, MA. For more information on DCR, visit dcrsystems.net.
The Freshen Up the Front Lines initiative began in April to help the frontline workers who are fighting COVID-19, while also supporting local small businesses in an effort to reboot local economies. The initiative provides a great way to “connect people in order to spread kindness,” explained David Giarrizzo, Michael Giarrizzo’s son, who is part of the group that started the initiative. “Healthcare workers have been battling the coronavirus for and with us, and spreading kindness ultimately costs nothing. We created this platform as a way for people to give back, and the response has been amazing – we should all be proud,” he said.
Freshen Up the Front Lines has been raising funds through GoFundMe, and the funds are used to purchase food and gifts from local small businesses, which are then gifted to frontline healthcare workers. David Giarrizzo noted, “We started Freshen Up the Front Lines to help the healthcare frontliners have something to look forward to and to help boost the local economies. Ultimately though, we started this initiative as a platform to spread kindness. Kindness does not cost a thing, and it is contagious. Let’s help spread kindness during this tough time and beyond!”
More information about Freshen Up the Front Lines can be found at Facebook.com/freshenupthefrontlines/. To donate to the group’s GoFundMe, visit Gofundme.com/f/freshen-up-the-front-lines.