Chasidy Rae Sisk Poetry
A dark star in the clear sky,
A heavy cloud stationed over the head of humanity,
The gentle breeze blows more forcefully
as it overwhelms the emotions.
Sinful, sins, deadly.
Devouring, consuming Engorgement:
overwhelming Hunger
causes the starvation
of Generosity and Giving by
Touching, groping Salacity:
La Petite Mort, the Little Death,
grasps and strangles
virtuous Chastity in
Idling, lounging Lethargy:
In its laxity, Laziness
inadvertently suffocates
Industry and Diligence with
Preening, pampering Vanity:
Overconfidence in self
bloodily abolishes
any remaining Modesty contradictory to
Grasping, craving Covetousness:
the Green-Eyed Monster
wages war against
Contentedness out of
Engulfing, enveloping Rage:
Violence personified
as Anger eradicates
Compassion in consuming
Squandering, accumulating Edacity:
Selfishness transcends altruism
and absolutely obliterates
Benevolence due to
Deadly sins, seven, sinful and deadly:
Emotions overwhelmed,
the gentle by the forceful,
clouding Humanity,
clear hearts turning dark with
Sins, Deadly Sins, Sinful Death.
Chasidy Rae Sisk 6/3/2010