CREF Celebrates 2024 PiN Master Winners
Originally published at CollisionRepairEducationFoundation.org
The Collision Repair Education Foundation (CREF) is excited to celebrate the winners of the 2024 PiN Master Challenge, held in conjunction with LKQ Refinish’s 5th Annual Hood Master Challenge on August 29, 2024 at The Bell Tower in Nashville, TN.
Congratulations to this year’s victors who won a Craftsman Tool Kit, detailed buckets and gloves to aid them as they advance in their careers:
- 1st Place: Koi-Upstream by Teisha Chambers (McFatter Technical College; Davie, FL)
- 2nd Place: Freedom Pin by Sara Jane Elzinga (Careerline Tech Center; Holland, MI)
- 3rd Place: The Wrath of Artemis by Skylah Kellogg (Warren Tech; Lakewood, CO)
- Wild Card: Simpsons Shark Bite by Gabe Misbauer (South Technical High School; St. Louis, MO)
“The 2024 PiN Master Challenge was a huge success which allowed collision students to demonstrate their skills – and showcase their talents – by designing and creating the best restored and painted bowling pin,” explained Tiffany Bulak, CREF Program Manager. “It’s vital that we take advantage of all possible opportunities to generate excitement around this industry and its viability as a career option for students to consider by spotlighting both the industry and the students studying collision repair in high school or college.”
This year’s first and second place winners discussed their inspiration for their designs.
“This piece represents overcoming the trial in my life,” shared Teisha Chambers, who recalled hearing everything from “girls can’t be in auto body” to “you’re just not good enough,” but no matter how others tried to discourage her, she “boldly swim[s] upstream.”
Sara Jane Elzinga wanted to create a pin that combined a theme of American pride with flames and stripes, and that’s exactly what she accomplished with her three-dimensional design. “All the stars, shading and the 1776 were air brushed, but this was my first time working with an air brush,” she acknowledged. “My teacher was very astonished by the result of my first time doing this because some people must take classes to acquire this skill. I’m very proud of myself.”
The fifth annual iteration of this collaborative fundraiser provided students with an opportunity to compete against each other for prizes, equipment and bragging rights by repairing, designing and painting retired bowling pins in an effort to showcase these students’ skills and win industry-related prizes, while supporting the future of this industry. Further championing CREF’s mission to support collision repair educational programs, schools and students, LKQ Refinish also hosted the fifth annual Hood Master fundraiser, where industry supporters can bid on the beautifully artistic hoods and pins created by last year’s Hood Master and PiN Master competitors!
“This year, 46 students entered 52 pins into the competition, and LKQ Refinish raised a record-breaking $30,000 for CREF through the Hood Master fundraiser, where the beautifully artistic hoods and pins created by last year’s Hood Master and PiN Master competitors were auctioned off to industry supporters!” Bulak added. “PiN Master is an incredible event that allows collision students around the country to showcase their talents while helping to raise money for their technical education, and we are so excited to see it grow each year.”
““It has been incredible to see the growth of this event year over year, not just with the additional hood and pin submissions but also the industry support,” agreed CREF Executive Director Brandon Eckenrode. “This event spotlights both the industry and the students studying collision repair in high school or college – that’s a win for everyone. Thank you to LKQ Refinish for organizing this to help raise additional awareness and funds for the high school and post-secondary collision programs that CREF works to support across the country.”
Stay tuned for updates on the 2025 PiN Master Challenge as they become available at CollisionRepairEducationFoundation.org.
Industry members interested in getting involved and supporting the Collision Repair Education Foundation’s efforts to assist secondary and post-secondary collision repair training programs can Contact Us to learn about the many ways to get involved. Monetary donations can be made online.
The Collision Repair Education Foundation, founded in 1991, is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to supporting collision repair educational programs, schools and students to create qualified, entry-level employees and connect them with an array of career opportunities. For information on how to donate to programs supported by the Education Foundation, visit us online at: www.CollisionRepairEducationFoundation.org.
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If you would like more information about this topic or any of CREF’s initiatives, please email [email protected].