Rick White Teaches ASA North Texas to Succeed and Conquer with KPIs

On Sept. 21, ASA North Texas hosted a full-day training event at Holiday Inn Express & Suites DFW West in Hurst, Texas, featuring Rick White of 180BIZ.
During the morning, White presented “Succeed and Conquer With KPIs,” and the afternoon focused on “Becoming a Talent Magnet.” An officer election was also held during the meeting, and newly elected ASA North Texas President John Firm noted, “ASA Texas prides ourselves on bringing nationally known automotive repair industry instructors to our state so members can learn from the best without having to take on the expense of traveling around the country.”
“The top shop owners and service writers from the Dallas-Fort Worth-Denton market attended Rick’s training and learned a lot,” Firm continued. “The class on KPIs was a great way to spend the morning, and we learned that we should be watching the KPIs continually instead of waiting until there’s a problem that needs to be fixed while we’re in panic mode. During the afternoon seminar on how to be a talent magnet, Rick explained how paying our techs better can help shops find better staffing from different fields.”
“The classes with ASA North Texas were well received, and attendees asked lots of good questions and were very interactive,” White said before describing the seminars. “The KPI class is really all about getting people to stop thinking their business is fixing cars and recognize that their business is to create and keep customers so they can generate a profit. Understanding the benchmarks for the industry and moving towards those with a plan is really what that seminar is all about.”
Referring to his afternoon seminar on “Becoming a Talent Magnet,” White explained, “With unemployment as low as it is, 3.7% as of August 2019, the pool of qualified help has turned into a puddle, and the old ways of attracting help just doesn’t work. This session was all about helping shop owners envision the kind of business they could have, one where ideal candidates are waiting in line to work for them.”
Firm agreed that the feedback from the event was great, and he was also pleased with the attendance.
“There were lots of good questions asked after the class was dismissed – it seems like we stayed an extra two hours to share advice and discuss issues we all face in our shops. We had a lot more students than we originally planned for; two students called at the last minute, and we were luckily able to squeeze them in. These types of events are really important for ASA North Texas members because ongoing training and education is vital to correctly repair modern vehicles. As an association, we are able to pool our funds, plus sponsors help offset the cost of the training and even provide refreshments.”
During the meeting, association members also voted in their new officers. Firm will serve as the president of the ASA North Texas Chapter with Cesar Vit serving as vice president and Chris Murphy filling the role of secretary.
ASA North Texas will host a new training event on Oct. 11 and 12 with Mike Cleary of Automotive Technical Support Services who will present two classes on Auto and Truck Electrical, and Powerstroke Diesel Training. The training will take place at Tarrant County College, Automotive Department in Fort Worth, Texas.
On Oct. 17, ASA North Texas will hold its next chapter meeting at the Golden Corral in Irving, Texas. Their speaker will be Jim Silverman of the Automotive Training Institute who will be discussing how to locate hidden money in the shop and the advantages of ATI’s program. The association will also be having an open discussion about digital vehicle inspections with three shops sharing their processes, which include Flex Check Auto, Bolt On and Shop Boss. Firm says, “We find it really valuable to have open discussions between shops so we can discover best processes and learn a little more about what we don’t know. Helping each other makes all of us better.”
For more information about ASA North Texas, visit asantx.com or facebook.com/ASA-of-North-Texas-2023432261204030/