ASA North Texas Provides Training on Pre- and Post-Repair Scans

On Aug. 15, ASA North Texas held a meeting, sponsored by DRiV Inc.
Guest speaker Paul Stinson of North Texas Pro Solutions spoke about pre- and post-repair scans during the collision repair process. According to meeting coordinator John Firm, “The event went well. We had one new member and the ASA-Texas board present. We held the meeting to make members aware of changes in our industry and to provide an update from our sponsor about their recent changes.”
ASA North Texas Secretary Rod Burtch added, “The meeting went as planned, and we had a great showing of membership. There were lots of questions about the change from Tenneco to DRiV Inc., but the meeting also provided a great opportunity for attendees to network with other shops, meeting sponsors and their employees.”
Stinson’s presentation on pre- and post-repair scans was incredibly educational. Stinson recounted, “I addressed the topic of pre- and post-scans for our body shop owners that were present, and I explained to our mechanical shops that cars involved in collisions may have stored trouble codes and how the requirement to have parts calibrated once installed will impact our shops. I also explained that many new cars and trucks have various driver assistance features that will have to calibrate if removed and reinstalled, such as mirrors, windshields and mirrors. There was great participation from members.”
Stinson added, “Our goal at all our events is to inform our members of changes in our industry that will affect their business today and in the future. We also allow our sponsors to inform us of their product lines and any changes that may affect us. We know that networking with other shops and their employees, as well as meeting sponsors, such as parts suppliers, parts manufacturers and other services, help strengthen our understanding of trends and help us to adapt to changes that are coming to our industry.”
ASA North Texas Marketing Manager Jeffrey Buckley noted, “Sharing from the auto body market, it’s not always easy to get insurance companies to pay for these services. As it applies to the mechanical division, it’s important to add this service to our scope of services. With the onset of ADAS systems, it’s important to do a total scan of a vehicle. We must know what systems have problems before working on a vehicle. Many systems are connected and again, the entire system needs to be scanned after a repair. Some systems that in the past were removed and replaced must now be calibrated. Exposure to liability must be considered. As we educate our customers, the opportunity to increase revenue exists. It was great to add another connection to be able to call upon.”
Representatives from Garage Gurus were also in attendance to share information about the Federal-Mogul and Tenneco merger. They discussed the different training opportunities at their mobile and training facilities.
Buckley said, “The goal of the ASA North Texas Chapter’s monthly meetings is to offer relevant training and information. Each meeting allows time for fellowship and networking. This provides an opportunity to discuss various issues that each individual shop may be dealing with. Cooperation and sharing knowledge encourages all member shops to improve at all levels.”
Stinson added, “Being able to bring in industry specialists to discuss topics like ‘employee retention,’ ‘customer retention,’ and ‘pre-scan and post-scan solutions’ brings value to our members. In addition, getting to know our vendors allows a better relationship with all of them.”
For Buckley, “The goal of a great meeting is obtained any time we learn at least one new thing. Whenever shops can cooperate to benefit the industry it’s a win! As we invite other shops, we become more inclusive instead of exclusive. Everyone in our industry can help improve our industry. We just have to find ways to share our gifts and be open to opportunities. Our association is the starting point.”
ASA North Texas is actively looking for members who are interested in joining the chapter board and who are interested in getting more involved in the association. For more information, visit