A Technician Shortage Education: Are the Shops to Blame?
Published in New Jersey Automotive – Thomas Greco Publishing “I can’t find help for my shop.” “No one wants to be a technician anymore.” “Kids these days just aren’t interested in collision repair.” Nearly every shop owner in New Jersey and across the country shares the same complaint, but it just may be time to recognize the issue doesn’t lie with the next generation – shops are largely to blame for this ongoing problem! Although the number of collision repair educational programs have dwindled in recent years, the remainder report high interest in collision technology; however, instructors often fail to get the support they need from the industry to keep students engaged…
Insanity at the ADALB: Are the Inmates Running the Asylum?
Published in New England Automotive Report – Thomas Greco Publishing It’s commonly said that “insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results,” but how crazy is it to repeat the same actions and yield NO results? Yet, that’s exactly what happens at the Auto Damage Appraiser Licensing Board (ADALB) meetings time and time again! Seated under the Division of Insurance (DOI), the ADALB is charged with the regulation of motor vehicle damage appraisers in the Commonwealth. Although the Board is charged with a laundry list of duties, the bulk of its agenda in recent years seems to be consumed with two specific responsibilities: maintaining…
RTA: A Ray of Light to Warm Consumers
Published in Texas Automotive – Thomas Greco Publishing Getting in a car crash tends to be a traumatic experience for any driver, but when their insurance carrier – the entity sworn to make them whole after an accident – adds insult to injury by under-indemnifying them for the claim, many vehicle owners find themselves shivering with apprehension as to how they’re going to get their car repaired or afford a replacement. But then a ray of light appears amidst the clouds for those who learn that they have the ability to contest value through their policy’s Appraisal Clause without being forced to pursue costly litigation. Unfortunately, few consumers realize they…
The Rhythm of Success: Key KPIs for Collision Shops
Published in AASPMN News – Thomas Greco Publishing How do you measure success in your shop? Some owners define success simply by looking at the dollars they have in the bank, while others take a more holistic approach of measuring a variety of key performance indicators (KPIs); however, with the many changes that shops have been forced to make in recent years – due to the pandemic, technological advances, the lengthening average age of the vehicles and changes in consumer behavior – it’s easy to fall into a pattern of collecting a ton of data and never doing anything with it. Those numbers mean something, but if your shop’s KPIs have become…
Retired Shop Owner Tom Rawson Cruises Through Retirement
Published in New England Automotive Report – Thomas Greco Publishing Over the years, a multitude of collision repair professionals have left their mark on the Massachusetts auto body industry through their work with associations, their dedication to performing proper repairs and their devotion to their customers. New England Automotive Report resumes its mission to catch up with retired repairers to find out what they’ve been doing since they turned over their shop keys. This month, we caught up with Tom Rawson, former owner of Rawson Auto Body in Wakefield. New England Automotive Report: When did you first get into the industry? Tom Rawson: I was into cars as a kid, but I got…
WMABA School Profile: Carroll County Career & Technology Center
Published in Hammer & Dolly – Thomas Greco Publishing Today’s students have many options when it comes to deciding their futures, and although the auto body industry offers a multitude of exciting career paths, many collision repair educational programs struggle to attract and retain those students due to an inability to show them that potential future; outdated tools, equipment and facilities leave them stuck in the past. That’s not the case at the Carroll County Career & Technology Center (CCCTC) in Westminster, MD – the school recently invested in its collision repair technology program by renovating the shop and classroom areas. “The new shop and updated equipment have been a…
ADALB Throws Negotiations Out the Window
Published in New England Automotive Report – Thomas Greco Publishing Merriam-Webster defines the word negotiate as “to bring about through discussion and compromise,” yet some members of the Auto Damage Appraiser Licensing Board (ADALB) appear uncertain what constitutes a negotiation, despite the fact that these two terms appear a half dozen times in Regulation 212 CMR 2.00 et seq. Although the ADALB’s January 21 meeting included a brief review of the proposed amendments to the regulation, that discussion focused on revisions to 2.02(7) Conflict of Interest and 2.02(8) Revocation or Suspension of a License. The apparent uncertainty over what constitutes a negotiation arose during the review of six complaints filed by auto body…
Right to Appraisal: Bringing Consumers In from the Cold
Published in Texas Automotive – Thomas Greco Publishing Your car is mangled, and your body aches…You just got into a minor car accident, but the initial damage may not be the most painful part of this experience! For many vehicle owners who’ve been in an accident, the real agony occurs at the hands of their insurance carriers – the entity contracted to indemnify them for their loss – due to tactics designed to increase insurer profits at the expense of their policyholders. Whether the vehicle is repairable or deemed a total loss, there’s an incredibly high likelihood of receiving a settlement offer that does not truly cover the cost of…
Artificial Intelligence for Smart Shops: Making AI Work for You
Published in AASPMN News – Thomas Greco Publishing Artificial intelligence (AI) is often viewed as a future technology, yet AI already plays many important roles in the automotive industry. Some ADAS, such as crash avoidance systems and lane assist cameras, utilize predictive AI algorithms to enhance safety on the roadways. Vehicle manufacturers have implemented AI in the design, development and assembly of today’s vehicles. Insurers rely on AI for photo estimating and total loss triage. And AI technology also offers opportunities for automotive and collision repair shops to improve their businesses. Who doesn’t want to work smarter, rather than harder? Shrewd shop owners around the country have begun embracing AI…
A Risky Business: Understanding Shop Liability
Published in Hammer & Dolly – Thomas Greco Publishing “Without risk, there is no reward” – perhaps this well-known and often-repeated saying helped you find the courage to pursue your dreams of a career in the collision repair industry or even open your own shop. But while some risks are worth taking, others simply expose your business to liability and endanger your livelihood. Between technological advancements in today’s constantly changing vehicles, environmental requirements and workplace safety concerns, it’s necessary to recognize the various accountabilities that fall on shops and identify methods to circumvent those potential liabilities to protect the business. As Warren Buffett said, “Risk comes from not knowing what…
Don Kennett Delivers a Personal Touch in an Increasingly Corporate World
Published in New England Automotive Report – Thomas Greco Publishing The world of collision repair constantly changes in every imaginable way, and while Don Kennett Inc. has certainly undergone its fair share of shifts in recent years, one thing remains consistent – this family-owned-and-operated automotive paint and body supply company offers a personal touch. “The New England market has changed drastically over the past four years,” Vice President Bob Levy notes. “Private equity companies have bought out many businesses like ours, and only a handful of jobbers are left in this area. Although much of the industry’s landscape has changed – with changes in repair quality, technicians, consolidation and shops…
Refund Fishing for Insurers: Shops Speak Out on Wilber Group’s Collections Horse Play
Published in New Jersey Automotive – Thomas Greco Publishing Imagine: A wife goes to the store and purchases a gallon of milk. She pays the bill and goes home, but weeks later, her husband – who never does the grocery shopping and has no clue what amount is reasonable to pay – writes to the store to demand a partial refund and insists his wife overpaid. Seems pretty ridiculous, doesn’t it? Yet, the absurdity of a similar situation is less laughable. For the past several years, shops across the country have been receiving communications from the Wilber Group, demanding partial reimbursement for invoices paid to those repair facilities by insurers…
Professionalism and Pride: CCA Donates Student Uniforms to Lexington Technology Center Through CREF
Created for Collision Repair Education Foundation “Dress for success.” This is a common expression with multiple implications – others may gauge someone’s professionalism based on their appearance, but more importantly, donning the right apparel can affect how we feel about ourselves and give us a sense of pride, a consideration that is especially true for future collision repair students who often receive mixed messages about their future career paths. The 28 students enrolled in the auto collision repair program at the Lexington Technology Center (Lexington, SC) can now hold their heads high as they proudly sport official technician shirts, sponsored by the Carolinas Collision Association (CCA), in collaboration with the…
Progress Through Change: A Q&A with New AASP/MA President Matthew Ciaschini
Published in New England Automotive Report – Thomas Greco Publishing The association has undergone some pretty significant changes in recent months. The association has seen a recent shift in leadership as Past President Kevin Gallerani (Cape Auto Body and Service; Plymouth) passed the torch into the capable hands of Matthew Ciaschini (Full Tilt Auto Body & Collision; West Hatfield). As the association’s new president, Ciaschini has high hopes for the progress that can be achieved if the industry works together, and he sat down with New England Automotive Report to share his thoughts on what the future holds for auto body shops in the Commonwealth. New England Automotive Report: What industry experience do you…
Paving the Road Forward: AASPMN Updates and Strategies for 2025
Published in AASP-MN News – Thomas Greco Publishing Change is inevitable, and 2024 was a year of many changes for Minnesota automotive and collision repairers. From technological advancements and differing hiring practices that impact individual shops to the AASPMN’s decision to hire a new legal team and the dissolution of the national AASP organization, things look a lot different than they did a year ago. However, amidst the many transformations in the automotive landscape, one thing remains constant: AASPMN persists in its efforts to champion shops and pave the way forward to advance and improve the industry in the North Star State. As AASPMN builds on last year’s momentum to…
AASP/NJ Recognizes DJ’s Restoration as 2024 Body Shop of the Year
Published in New Jersey Automotive – Thomas Greco Publishing AASP/NJ is only as strong as its members, and during its Annual Meeting each year, the association acknowledges the value that individual members contribute to the association and the industry at-large by recognizing an outstanding member shop with the Stan Wilson/New Jersey Automotive Body Shop of the Year Award. This year’s honoree was DJ’s Restoration (Ewing), an association member whose involvement began decades ago – before AASP/NJ even existed! “I originally got involved with the Garden State Automotive Federation,” shares Daniel Brandt, Jr., owner of DJ’s Restoration. Brandt’s passion for auto body work began when he was a teenager, but cars are…
People, Process and Passion: Collision Restoration Joins VIVE Collision Family
Published in New Jersey Automotive – Thomas Greco Publishing Nearly four decades after its doors first opened in 1986, Collision Restoration (Fairfield) has begun a brand-new journey as a member of the VIVE Collision family of auto body repair facilities! Garden State collision repairers were stunned last year when Eddie Day, a prominent and respected figure in the industry, decided to retire and sold the shop he founded so many years ago (read Day’s interview at But the legacy he created made the facility an ideal addition for VIVE Collision’s growing organization, which is dedicated to “redefin[ing] the collision repair industry by focusing on three core principles: People, Process and…
Seeking Ripples to Make a Huge Splash
Published in Texas Automotive – Thomas Greco Publishing With 2025 underway, businesses around the country are examining their budgets and determining which investments to undertake. To deal with ongoing challenges related to advancing technology, Texas collision repair shops likely plan to allocate funding to a number of important business needs, such as tooling, equipment, training, certifications, employee benefits and so forth. But what about the challenges related to shops’ continuous struggles with insurance companies – how can repairers budget for ways to address confrontations with appraisers who under-indemnify claims or refuse to pay for the parts and procedures necessary to safely and properly repair customers’ vehicles? By joining ABAT and…
WMABA School Profile: Frederick County Career & Technology Center
Published in Hammer & Dolly – Thomas Greco Publishing While some collision repair technology instructors struggle to fill their classrooms, Philip Allen – auto body instructor at Frederick County Career & Technology Center (CTC) in Frederick, MD – laments the inability to accept every student interested in his program! The two-year program admits 18 new students each year, and when Allen began teaching at CTC in January 2019, “student interest and retention was a problem” with only 22 students filling the 36 available slots. During that year’s Shadowing Program, where ninth and 10th grade students from the county’s 12 high schools “shadow our programs for a class period to see…
Grabbing Gold: NJ Student Wins Refinishing Competition at SkillsUSA Nationals
Published in New Jersey Automotive – Thomas Greco Publishing Rowan Cummings has refinishing SKILLS! Cummings, then a junior at Morris County School of Technology (MCST) in Denville, showcased his talents in automotive refinish technology when he took first place in the collision repair competition during the New Jersey SkillsUSA State Leadership and Skills Conference, held last spring. “I sent Rowan and a second-year student to the state level competition where Rowan took gold and my second-year student took the bronze,” shares MCST Instructor of Collision Repair and Refinishing Lou Rosso. “I am extremely proud of Rowan’s performance at the state level. I was not overly surprised at all – more like…
AASP/NJ Awards Russ Robson Scholarships to Two Young Industry Professionals
Published in New Jersey Automotive – Thomas Greco Publishing Each year, AASP/NJ helps make a young person’s educational pursuits a little more reachable by providing assistance in the form of the Russ Robson Scholarship. During its 2024 Annual Meeting, held October 23 at the Gran Centurions (Clark), the association expanded its efforts to support the next generation of aspiring automotive professionals by awarding scholarships to two promising automotive workers employed by member shops in good standing! Brayan Colomer (K&L Auto Body; Somerville) and Erick Garcia (Krehel Automotive Repair; Clifton) were the lucky recipients of the 2024 Russ Robson Scholarships, and both young men received plaques to commemorate the honor in addition to…
ABAT Member Profile: San Antonio Collision Center
Published in Texas Automotive – Thomas Greco Publishing Quality and safety are undoubtedly the most important aspects of performing a proper collision repair, but for a shop to convince customers that they will take care of their vehicle the right way, it begins by building trust. San Antonio Collision Center (San Antonio) assures customers of their trustworthiness by striving to exceed expectations from the beginning of the process. They understand that accidents are stressful for their clientele, so they focus on providing a courteous and honest environment where vehicle owners can rely on qualified technicians to restore each car to its pre-accident condition. Although San Antonio Collision Center was founded…
Beating the Drum: ABAT’s 2025 Legislative Plans
Published in Texas Automotive – Thomas Greco Publishing ABAT’s first priority is consumer safety, and that objective guides much of what the association focuses on each year, especially when it comes to its biennial efforts to help legislators understand how proper repairs impact their constituents’ wellbeing. So, it comes as no surprise that ABAT leaders have already begun planning for the 89th legislative session, opening January 14, 2025. Although recent sessions have seen pursuit of two pieces of legislation, ABAT is taking a new approach this time around, going back to its roots to concentrate on the importance of following OEM repair procedures and addressing the safety of aftermarket…
Fine, It’s All Fine – Nothing to See at the ADALB
Published in New England Automotive Report – Thomas Greco Publishing When the Auto Damage Appraiser Licensing Board (ADALB) reconvened for its most recent meeting on October 22, it quickly became apparent that it was unlikely any progress would be made – even less than usual, actually – due to the fact that Board member Bill Johnson (Pleasant Street Auto; South Hadley/Belchertown) was unable to attend. In fact, Board member Peter Smith (MAPFRE) specifically indicated that, in Johnson’s absence, he had no plans to review anything new as it pertained to the Board’s ongoing review of proposed amendments to Regulation 212 CMR 2.00 et seq. He indicated that he would merely…
Broke? Insurer CEOs are Rolling in Dough
Published in New England Automotive Report – Thomas Greco Publishing Up and up and UP! From east to west and north to south, drivers all over the country have seen significant increases in their auto insurance policies. According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics’ Consumer Price Index (CPI), the cost of motor vehicle insurance in the first half of this year rose by nearly 21 percent compared to the first half of 2023, an annual trend that has intensified since the pandemic. The average cost of premiums in the first half of 2019 saw an increase of just 1.6 percent compared to the previous year, yet from the first…
You Can’t Afford a Poor Shop Culture!
Published in AASP-MN News – Thomas Greco Publishing Good employees are hard to find and expensive to keep…but replacing them can also be costly in more ways than the financial aspect, since you never know exactly who you’re getting until you’ve already hired them. Once you’ve built a successful team, it is imperative that you keep them. Yet, employee retention is one of the industry’s largest struggles these days, as owners contend with other fields seeking to “steal” valuable workers. To compete with these entities, shop owners must find ways to keep employees engaged and motivated in their jobs, an effort that largely relates to the culture that has been developed in…
Role Segmentation: Strengthening the Machine
Published in Texas Automotive – Thomas Greco Publishing A machine is defined as “an apparatus using or applying mechanical power and having several parts, each with a definite function and together performing a particular task.” Machines work by accepting an input, transforming or modifying it in some way and then releasing the output of its efforts. Most discussions and examples of a “machine” will include references to automobiles, a vital piece of the collision repair industry, yet there’s an even more important machine that plays a role in this field: the shop itself! Each repair facility (apparatus) requires several parts (employees) to use or apply their power to function together…
The Non-Existent Clause: A Policyholder’s Nightmare
Published in New Jersey Automotive – Thomas Greco Publishing One bright afternoon in August, Ashley*, a 19-year-old college student, drove down the Parkway on her way home from a shopping expedition with her mother, who was a passenger in her car. When the traffic in front of her slowed down, Ashley slowly engaged her brakes – but the person behind her did not. CRASH! Pulling to the side of the road, Ashley exchanged information with the other driver, but when she attempted to file a claim with the at-fault party’s insurance company, she learned that they had not paid their insurance bill and their card was invalid; they were uninsured. …
Automotive Education Advances to Meet New Demands
Published in AASP-MN News – Thomas Greco Publishing Last month, AASP-MN News shared how two schools’ automotive technology programs are thinking outside the box to address the challenges they face in providing students with the tools and knowledge they need to become successful shop employees after graduation, but with today’s technology advancing faster all the time, several enlightened educators have seen the opportunity to take things a step further by creating new initiatives that specifically target some of the industry’s changing demands. These schools have taken the initiative to offer unique courses that address shops’ developing needs. Two years ago, Minnesota State Community and Technical College (Moorhead) received a $349,652 grant from…
ADALB Demonstrates Consistency in Pushing Everything Down the Road
Published in New England Automotive Report – Thomas Greco Publishing The Auto Damage Appraiser Licensing Board (ADALB) reconvened late September with a full agenda to discuss, but as has become customary at these meetings, little actually moved forward as the Board consistently decided to delay making an actual decision on even the most trivial details. As the ADALB resumed its review of proposed amendments to Regulation 212 CMR 2.00 et seq., Board member Peter Smith (MAPFRE) launched into discussion on 212 CMR 2.02, which largely relates to appraisal forms and the application and examination processes. His suggested updates to the verbiage were made to account for the application and renewal…
Embracing Opportunity: Collision Shops Bring Calibrations In House
Published in New England Automotive Report – Thomas Greco Publishing It’s no secret that the majority of new vehicles being sold today include ADAS. In fact, around 95 percent of light duty vehicles manufactured in 2023 came equipped with automatic emergency braking, according to CCC Intelligent Solutions’ 2024 Q1 Crash Course Report (available at – and experts anticipate that number will continue rising as consumers increasingly rely on these types of safety systems. With cars being produced with a growing number of electronic components, it’s no wonder that the majority of repairs necessitate calibrations to maintain those components’ functionality following an accident, though the frequency of shops performing calibrations does…
CREF’s Support Ensures Collision Professional Acquires Full View of Collision Career Opportunities
Originally published at The collision repair industry offers a vast array of career opportunities for those interested in the field, though not all young people realize the variety of options at their fingertips. The Collision Repair Education Foundation (CREF) seeks to highlight the many different choices available by its multitude of endeavor, including participating in industry events, hosting career fairs and funding scholarships to help students pursue their education. That support can be vital for aspiring collision professionals who may not receive encouragement from other areas of their lives. Christina Sepulveda was the youngest of three children born to parents whose increasingly severe disabilities made it difficult for them…
CREF Reconnects with Collision Professional Who Attended First CREF Career Fair
Originally published at All too often, collision students enter the industry for a short time and then abandon their collision career aspirations for other fields. The need to create long-lasting connections to his industry is apparent and something the Collision Repair Education Foundation seeks to accomplish through its many initiatives. The success of such endeavors is visible in the case of Brandon Wennin, a 10-year industry veteran who met CREF Executive Director Brandon Eckenrode as a student and later spoke to students during the Foundation’s first-ever career fair, then titled the Cars, Careers & Celebrities Expo, in August 2014. Wennin’s entrance into the industry began a few years earlier.…
Are Insurance Premium Spikes a Ripoff?
Published in New Jersey Automotive – Thomas Greco Publishing If it seems like your auto insurance premiums increased more than ever last year, you aren’t too far off base. Nationally, premiums rose by approximately 20 percent in 2023. That means insurance coverage costs rose six times faster than the Consumer Price Index (CPI) inflation rate of 3.4 percent, outpacing nearly every other common consumer cost and reflecting the largest annual increase since 1976. And those rate spikes are anticipated to continue in 2024 with predictions indicating an increase of 12.6 percent nationwide…and New Jersey drivers could see one of the highest increases of up to 34 percent! Insurance premium prices…
Digging Deep in His Pockets to Protect the Right to Appraisal
Published in Texas Automotive – Thomas Greco Publishing It’s easy enough for people to claim they’re willing to “put their money where their mouth is” when there isn’t much money involved, but few people are actually willing to invest time, energy and money – and certainly not all three! – to stand by their convictions and do what’s right to protect others. Texas consumer Joe Collins is a rare exception to that rule. Last summer, a Rusk County District Court jury ruled in Collins’ favor in Joseph Wayne Collins v. State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company. During the trial, 12 Texans found the insurance giant had knowingly or intentionally engaged in…
ABAT Celebrates a Decade
Published in Texas Automotive – Thomas Greco Publishing It’s hard to believe that 10 years ago, ABAT did not officially exist yet. But in the association’s earliest days, it set out to address some pretty specific matters impacting collision repair shops in Texas. Since its inception, ABAT has made some huge strides for the auto body world and is still going strong as it celebrates a decade of dedication to this industry. In early 2014, the idea began to take hold during an estimating seminar at Paint Works (Tyler). Burl Richards (Burl’s Collision Center; Henderson) and Chad Neal, owner of Paint Works, had engaged in several conversations about the need…
Seeing Bronze: Maryland Collision Student Places Third at SkillsUSA Nationals
Published in Hammer & Dolly – Thomas Greco Publishing Benjamin Kimbark has SKILLS! Kimbark, a 2024 graduate from the Frederick County Career and Tech Center (FCPS CTC) in Frederick, MD, showcased his talents as a collision repair technician when he took first place in the collision repair competition during the Maryland SkillsUSA State Leadership and Skills Conference, held last April. FCPS CTC Collision Instructor Philip Allen acknowledges, “One of my students won the collision repair competition at States in 2023, so I did apply a little fun pressure to Ben to make it two years in a row for us.” Kimbark has always been interested in the automotive world. “Cars, trucks,…
Shielding Your Shop from Tragedy
Published in Hammer & Dolly – Thomas Greco Publishing Catastrophes may strike without warning, but being proactive can help shop owners avoid becoming the next tragedy. Unfortunately, a lot of collision repair facility owners do not have enough coverage through their business insurance, according to David Willett of Spark Underwriters. “From a risk management standpoint, it’s just as important to make sure your insurance policy reflects today’s needs as it is to send your technicians to training or to invest in current tools; it’s an aspect of running a fine-tuned, efficient business,” he insists, recommending an annual review of one’s policy at a bare minimum, though his company monitors their…
Northern Neck Technical Center
Published in Hammer & Dolly – Thomas Greco Publishing Collision repair professionals often bemoan the scarcity of young people interested in pursuing a career in this industry, but Matt Ingram, auto body instructor for Northern Neck Technical Center (Warsaw, VA), believes this field continues to hold the same appeal it always has, as evidenced by his program’s complete enrollment year after year. “We run a two-year, ASE-accredited program at a regional technical center serving six school districts, so students get bussed in from up to 40 minutes away,” he says, noting that first-year students attend the morning session, while the afternoon session is reserved for second-year students. “We spark interest…
Your Business Insurance Coverage Isn’t Enough!
Published in Hammer & Dolly – Thomas Greco Publishing Just like drivers purchase auto insurance policies to cover them in the event of a loss, shop owners invest in business insurance that will protect their assets if the unthinkable happens…but is it enough? According to Peter Kelyman of Wheaton Body Shop (Wheaton, MD), it probably isn’t, especially if your policy was written years ago and simply renewed without being thoroughly reviewed! Unfortunately, Kelyman learned this lesson the hard way when his shop went up in flames – literally! He agreed to share his story with Hammer & Dolly in hopes of preventing other shop owners from suffering a similar scenario. Kelyman first…
Thinking Outside the Box: Automotive Educators Keep Pace with Industry Innovations
Published in AASP-MN News – Thomas Greco Publishing There’s no denying that the skilled trades are in dire need of qualified talent to fill the void being left as baby boomers reach the age of retirement, but many tech school programs teach licensed industries that don’t change quickly – technology and techniques related to plumbing, cosmetology and most other “trades” remain fairly fixed year after year. Automotive technology is a different beast altogether. “Very few technical programs are driven by such rapidly-changing technology and consumer demands,” AASP-MN Executive Director Linden Wicklund points out, acknowledging that shops often complain that schools are failing to keep up with these rapid changes. “Automotive…
Albert Kemperle Inc. Touts Training to Support Collision Industry
Published in New Jersey Automotive – Thomas Greco Publishing Distributors of automotive paint, body shop supplies and related equipment abound, but how can shops know that their supplier is truly invested in their success? Albert Kemperle LLC demonstrates their commitment to clients and collision repair excellence by offering a slew of training and educational opportunities for the industry. “Albert Kemperle’s commitment to training is a key component of our service offering, which is designed to add value beyond just product distribution,” explains Roy Griep, territory sales manager for Albert Kemperle. “This focus on education and skill development is vital for both our company and our clients, particularly in the ever-evolving…
Vendor Affinity Program Spotlight: PartsTrader
Published in New England Automotive Report – Thomas Greco Publishing It’s impossible to repair a vehicle without the parts necessary to do so, but over the past couple of years, sourcing parts has become increasingly challenging – between intermittent shortages, delivery issues and inflation leading to increased costs, it can be difficult to know where to find the best parts for one’s business. PartsTrader sets out to alleviate those burdens by providing a single marketplace where repairers can easily locate and acquire the parts they need. “PartsTrader is an online real-time marketplace that connects suppliers, insurers and repairers in the collision repair industry to help them find parts for vehicles,”…
Cultivating a Winning Shop Culture
Published in Texas Automotive – Thomas Greco Publishing The collision repair industry’s workforce shortage keeps coming up again and again as shops struggle to staff their facilities with qualified help, but at the same time, stories abound of technicians leaving the industry for other fields – even for jobs at Amazon or McDonald’s! Many experts believe the industry’s problem isn’t recruitment but retention, and even with an unlimited supply of incoming technicians, it will never be enough if the work environment isn’t a place where people want to stay. It’s all about developing a work culture that keeps employees happy and motivated and, in turn, results in higher customer satisfaction.…
A New Era: ABAT Bleeds Red, White and Blue for Texas Repairers
Published in Texas Automotive – Thomas Greco Publishing Over the past decade, ABAT has done some truly great things for the Texas collision repair industry. Whether the association is hosting local training sessions that feature nationally renowned educators, bringing the best vendors and speakers from around the country to the annual Texas Auto Body Trade Show, educating legislators at the Capitol in Austin or challenging the Texas Department of Insurance (TDI) to protect consumers’ rights, there’s no doubt about it – ABAT continues to do everything possible to support auto body repairers in the Lone Star State. Earlier this year, ABAT celebrated its double digits (check it out at Now,…
Waiting for the Other Shoe to Drop: Will Others Follow asTech/GEICO’s Path?
Published in New Jersey Automotive – Thomas Greco Publishing Two’s company, three’s a crowd, but four on the sidewalk is not allowed! The simple childhood proverb offers a lot of wisdom in terms of business contracts, especially in the collision repair industry where it’s not uncommon for confusion to exist when it comes to which entities a repair facility owes its loyalty: the customer who brings the vehicle into the shop or the insurance company that typically compensates for the repair. But when another type of business – a vendor – recently decided to insert itself into the equation, collision leaders and business owners around the country immediately made their…
Cybersecurity Concerns: Fortify Your Data Defenses
Published in New England Automotive Report – Thomas Greco Publishing Protecting your shop’s assets requires forethought and preparation, and these days, data is often considered more valuable than gold. Headlines over the summer featured a cyberattack against CDK Global – used by 15,000 dealerships – which led the software to be shut down for weeks, causing parts supply disruptions across the country. Although CDK’s situation has been resolved, the data breach raises concerns about what level of risk cybercriminals pose to automotive businesses. A 2023 report conducted by CDK ( indicated that 17 percent of dealers experienced a cyberattack in the previous year. And cyberattacks prove increasingly costly. Citing research…
Is a Partial Repair Ever “Good Enough?” Part 2
Published in AASP-MN News – Thomas Greco Publishing Collision industry leaders consistently emphasize the importance of performing a “complete and proper repair” in accordance with OEM recommendations in order to restore a vehicle to its pre-accident condition, but – for a variety of reasons – shops may not be performing every single task. Are all those repairs necessary? If the vehicle is still “driveable” without addressing those issues, is it “good enough”…or should shops be refusing these partial repairs? Last month, AASP-MN News explored this subject with experts on the mechanical side of the industry (available at Now, the conversation continues with two leading collision consultants: Mike Anderson (Collision Advice) and…
Slaying a Giant: Consumer Defeats Progressive in Short-Pay Lawsuit
Published in New Jersey Automotive – Thomas Greco Publishing Walking into a courtroom to confront a massive corporation like Progressive Insurance on a short-pay lawsuit would intimidate many people. And Carmen Torres* acknowledges she was one of those people. She admits to being terrified when she realized that her case was actually going to trial, but armed with documentation from her collision repair shop, she walked away with justice served and a sense of empowerment from her encounter with the insurance giant. It all began when Torres was rear-ended in her newly-leased Mazda which only had a couple hundred miles on it. She had been in a couple fender benders…
ADALB Slides Down a Slippery Slope Away From Consumer Protection
Published in New England Automotive Report – Thomas Greco Publishing Seated under the Division of Insurance (DOI), the Auto Damage Appraiser Licensing Board (ADALB) shares the DOI’s supposed mission of protecting consumer interests and is specifically charged with “adopt[ing] rules and regulations governing licenses under this section in order to promote the public welfare and safety.” At least that’s what the DOI’s website and Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 26 Section 8G (MGL c. 26 § 8G) assert, but at each gathering to review complaints and regulatory amendments, the blatant bias of the Board’s insurance representatives – as well as Chairman Michael Donovan – serves as a reminder that they are…