Overcoming Adversity to Take A Family’s Legacy to the Next Level
Published in Hammer & Dolly – Thomas Greco Publishing It’s the dream for many – open your own auto body shop to provide a nice life for your family. One day, when you retire, your children will take over to continue your legacy. Sounds lovely, but sometimes life has other plans. Although no father intends to burden his 22-year-old child and her new spouse with a floundering business, there’s no doubt that the late Roland O’Haran Sr. would be extremely proud of his daughter and son-in-law, Jenn and Kyle Goad, for turning a struggling shop into a success story by overcoming the odds after being unexpectedly thrown into ownership. O’Haran,…
Is a Partial Repair Ever Good Enough?
Published in AASP-MN News – Thomas Greco Publishing “Complete and proper repair” – it’s the golden standard that gets emphasized and reiterated in industry documentation and training events, and in a perfect world, of course every shop always performs every single task associated with restoring a car to its factory or pre-accident condition. But in the real world, various factors may create scenarios where shops do NOT address every item on that extensive list. Sometimes, it’s accidental; the shop fails to properly diagnose all the necessary repair items. Maybe the aftermarket warranty company or insurer debates whether certain repairs are truly necessary, or perhaps the customer refuses to invest in something they…
Is Time Finally Up for Total Loss Under-Indemnification Tactics?
Published in Texas Automotive – Thomas Greco Publishing When a vehicle owner brings their car to a shop after an accident, they typically expect it to be repaired, so it’s a tough blow when they learn their vehicle has been deemed a total loss. It’s even more upsetting when their insurance carrier shortchanges them by undervaluing the actual cash value (ACV) of the loss. Yet, that’s a common occurrence these days as demonstrated by the prevalence of allegations, lawsuits and settlements related to under-indemnification. While shops, vehicle owners and consumer advocates have been bringing these concerns to the forefront for a number of years through a variety of methods, a…
Doing It Differently: The Fight for Appraisal Expands
Published in Texas Automotive – Thomas Greco Publishing Texans deserve to drive safe vehicles, even after their car is damaged in an accident; however, proper vehicle repairs can be costly, and it’s all-too-common for insurance carriers to use unfair methodologies to undervalue both repairable and total loss vehicles, thereby under-indemnifying their policyholders. This is no surprise to collision repairers who repeatedly witness this tragic situation, and for years, shops have taken this burden on their shoulders, encouraging customers to utilize the Appraisal Clause in their policies to get a fairer shake. Unfortunately, in 2015, the Texas Department of Insurance (TDI) permitted State Farm to eliminate the Appraisal Clause from its…
Forging a Path to the Future Through Specialization
Published in New England Automotive Report – Thomas Greco Publishing Navigating the rapidly advancing technology of the collision repair industry has created many challenges for shops as they struggle to keep pace with all the changes happening on what seems like a daily basis. These days, properly repairing vehicles requires investing in specific tools, equipment and training – all of which vary drastically depending on the vehicle make and model. It can be difficult to see the forest for the trees, but technology truly presents some amazing opportunities for those who are willing to take a step back and embrace some different ways of proceeding. The path forward may look…
Keeping a Clean Table at the ADALB
Published in New England Automotive Report – Thomas Greco Publishing Although the Auto Damage Appraiser Licensing Board (ADALB) entered its May meeting with a full agenda of items to discuss, votes to table topic after topic quickly cleared their plate. The Board reviewed a request to approve a course of instruction for motor vehicle damage appraisals, which was submitted by AASP/MA Executive Director Lucky Papageorg and designed to prepare students to successfully complete the Part-I and Part-II portions of the examination for motor vehicle damage appraiser licensure. The proposed course was approved by the ADALB in January 2017 for Springfield Technical Community College and was most recently used as the…
Fair or Foul? Ford Dealer Offers Opt-OE Parts for OE Prices
Published in Texas Automotive – Thomas Greco Publishing “Quality means doing it right when no one is looking.” Henry Ford’s famous quote speaks to a level of integrity that many aspire to achieve…many, but not all. Over the past couple of months, David Osburn (David McDavid Ford Collision Center; Fort Worth) noticed something odd related to parts pricing. “Insurers began writing estimates that called for opt-OE parts from [a Central Texas Ford dealership] due to the lower price, but when I called the dealership to order the part, I was told that my cost would be the same as for an OE part, even though the MSRP for the opt-OE…
A Breed of Their Own: ABAT Honors the Ladies of Collision
Published in Texas Automotive – Thomas Greco Publishing Perspicacious. Selfless. Resilient. Compassionate. Vivacious. Superhero. These are just a few of the adjectives used to describe the honorees at ABAT’s Inaugural Night of Honor for Collision Industry Women, held last month at Cook’s Garage in Lubbock. “There’s something special about the women in the collision repair business,” said ABAT Executive Director Jill Tuggle. “It’s almost like we are our own breed – so wildly unique yet still similar! Since industry events often attract fewer women, ABAT wanted to get the ladies together to network as we attempt to build a community among the women in our industry, locally and nationally.” Over…
A.I. for Dummies: Embracing the Business Benefits
Published in New Jersey Automotive – Thomas Greco Publishing What is artificial intelligence (AI)? Cinema and literature depict computer programs and robots assuming human-like personalities and taking over the world. While most of us recognize the fictional aspect of the science-fiction genre, plenty of misconceptions and fears related to AI abound, even as it becomes an increasingly integral part of everyday business. Although we often fall into the habit of viewing AI as “the future,” it is actually being used today in myriad ways that can benefit collision repair facilities – from damage analysis to improving the customer experience, AI tools offer the ability for shops to work smarter, not harder. “AI…
Consolidation Deal on Your Radar? What to Know Before Selling
Published in AASP-MN News – Thomas Greco Publishing Maybe you’ve already been approached by a consolidator and are considering their offer. Perhaps you are interested in getting out of the business and debating whether that’s the route you want to take. Or it’s possible that the idea of handing over the shop keys to someone else isn’t even on your radar – yet. Whatever your current situation, only one thing remains consistent in this business: change is inevitable. And the best way to successfully tackle what comes next is to be prepared for the various possibilities. For any business owner, the day will come when it’s time to close up…
Dancing in the Sky: Remembering Longtime AASP/NJ Board Member Sam Mikhail
Published in New Jersey Automotive – Thomas Greco Publishing Fearless and outspoken. Dedicated and loyal. Passionate and relentless. Auto body professionals and friends used these words over and over as they reflected on the legacy and impact left on the industry and their own lives by Sam Mikhail, longtime AASP/NJ Board member, who passed away on March 12 at the age of 80. “Sam was determined to make the industry better and willing to do whatever was necessary to make that happen,” AASP/NJ Executive Director Charles Bryant shared. “He was dedicated, relentless, direct and to the point, and he was willing to put in whatever effort necessary to accomplish his…
ADALB Plays Duck, Duck, Dismissed
Published in New England Automotive Report – Thomas Greco Publishing The way that the Auto Damage Appraiser Licensing Board (ADALB) reviews complaints at their bimonthly meetings often seems akin to a game of “duck, duck, goose” in the sense that the discussion tends to run in circles, nothing ever actually progresses and one is often left feeling like they’ve been bonked on the head. The ADALB reviewed 11 complaints during its most recent meeting, held March 12, resulting in six dismissals, four requests for additional information and one contested complaint which will not move forward. Most of the votes were actually unanimous with Chairman Michael Donovan breaking one tie in…
Only Time Will Tell: Is Consolidation Coming to New England?
Published in New England Automotive Report – Thomas Greco Publishing Consolidation is nothing new in the collision repair industry; it first caught repairers’ attention in the late 1990s and early 2000s when Caliber, Gerber and Service King entered the market in California and Texas, purchasing independent shops and converting them to their brands. But since 2013, “big” has gotten even bigger, spreading all across the country, as increasing technology and the rising cost of doing business make the idea of selling the keys to the shop for a pretty penny more palatable to mom-and-pop operations pursued by the deep-pocketed consolidators and multi-shop operations (MSOs) interested in expanding their footprint. Over…
Continuing the Legacy: A Q&A with New WMABA President Kris Burton
Published in Hammer & Dolly – Thomas Greco Publishing After three years under the leadership of Past President Steve Krieps (Greg Cline Auto Body; Winfield, WV), who bid adieu to his role in last month’s Hammer & Dolly (available at, WMABA has a new head honcho, current President Kris Burton (Rosslyn Auto Body; Alexandria, VA), a dedicated collision industry professional whose affiliation with the association spans more than two decades. What can members expect as WMABA moves into this new era? Burton sat down with Hammer & Dolly to help readers get to know him a little better as he shares his thoughts on what he hopes to accomplish as he takes the reins.…
Time is Money: Estimating in a Post-Blend Study World
Published in AASP-MN News – Thomas Greco Publishing Blending takes longer than refinishing – it’s a fact that painters and other collision repair professionals have known for years, yet cries for an update to the 50 percent calculation cited by all three major information providers (IPs) fell on deaf ears until the Society of Collision Repair Specialists (SCRS) teamed up with AkzoNobel, Axalta, BASF, PPG and Sherwin-Williams to evaluate blending in comparison to full refinish values when considering solid, metallic and tri-stage refinish options across all the paint manufacturers. The results of the study, released during SEMA 2022, determined that blend times are 31.59 percent greater than full refinished value on average,…
Racing to Support Collision Students: Northeast Ohio I-CAR Committee Chair to Run 209 Miles for CREF Fundraiser
Originally published at Ensuring the next generation of collision repair professionals is trained and equipped to hit the ground running when they enter the field is why the Collision Repair Education Foundation (CREF) was created and the Northeast Ohio I-CAR Committee’s most recent fundraiser gives new meaning to the concept as Committee Chairman Dave Cottrell (Crash Champions; Akron, OH) prepares to run 209 miles from Cedar Point Amusement Park in Sandusky to Kings Island in Cincinnati, OH in the Coast to Coaster, an ultra-marathon race taking place April 25-30! Proceeds from his run will benefit CREF and collision repair educational programs throughout Ohio. “We are always looking for ways…
Act II: Waiting for Progressive to Act in Good Faith
Published in New England Automotive Report – Thomas Greco Publishing “ESTRAGON: I can’t go on like this. VLADIMIR: That’s what you think.” ― Waiting for Godot by Samuel Beckett Waiting for insurers to do the right thing by their policyholders often feels like an exercise in futility, much like sitting around and waiting for someone who never shows up. Waiting for Godot is often described as a play in which nothing happens, and some shop owners can attest to the fact that attempts to negotiate with carriers may feel just as endlessly repetitive with no resolution. Last year, Texas Automotive featured “A Comedy of Under-Indemnification: Starring Progressive” (available online at, which told the story of a shop…
Third Time’s a Charm? Unlikely at the ADALB!
Published in New England Automotive Report – Thomas Greco Publishing In 2016, a revised version of 212 CMR 2.0 was sent up the chain for approval after being reviewed by the Auto Damage Appraiser Licensing Board (ADALB) that was seated at the time. No response was received from the Department of Insurance (DOI) for years, but after three Board members were replaced in early 2019, an allegedly misplaced letter made its way to the surface, raising issues with the amendments and justifying the need for the regulations to undergo review by the new Board. Following delays caused by the pandemic, the ADALB hashed out the minutiae and argued through semantics…
SCRS Continues DOI Dialogue About Consumer Complaints
Published in Hammer & Dolly – Thomas Greco Publishing When a vehicle owner encounters challenges in the claims process, their collision repair facility often works with them to file complaints with their local department of insurance, but they often “become frustrated with that process because they’re expecting a different outcome than these departments are scoped with and that they intend to address through their processes,” suggested Aaron Schulenburg, executive director of the Society of Collision Repair Specialists’ (SCRS) during the organization’s recent Open Board Meeting in Palm Springs, CA. In an effort to alleviate some of these frustrations, SCRS has made an effort to open the door to more communication…
CIC Scratches the Surface of Bad Repairs, Pretty Paint, AI & More
Published in Hammer & Dolly – Thomas Greco Publishing Typically, the focus of collision repair professionals’ is to fix what’s damaged, restoring vehicles to their pre-accident condition. But during the most recent Collision Industry Conference (CIC), held in Palm Springs, CA in conjunction with other industry meetings, industry professionals took things a step further as committees repositioned themselves to tackle common topics from new angles. And although the full day of back-to-back presentations surely got attendees thinking, it’s mind-blowing to realize that CIC merely scratched the surface in these discussions which are certain to continue playing a role in the industry for years to come. What’s the cost of a…
ABAT Celebrates a Decade
Published in Texas Automotive – Thomas Greco Publishing It’s hard to believe that 10 years ago, ABAT did not officially exist yet. But in the association’s earliest days, it set out to address some pretty specific matters impacting collision repair shops in Texas. Since its inception, ABAT has made some huge strides for the auto body world and is still going strong as it celebrates a decade of dedication to this industry. In early 2014, the idea began to take hold during an estimating seminar at Paint Works (Tyler). Burl Richards (Burl’s Collision Center; Henderson) and Chad Neal, owner of Paint Works, had engaged in several conversations about the need…
Battling for Right to Appraisal: Do You Understand the Impact?
Published in Texas Automotive – Thomas Greco Publishing Last month, Texas Automotive’s cover story (available at focused on one consumer’s generous donation to the fight for mandatory appraisal rights in Texas. We know you’re absolutely itching to know how the elected steward of those funds, Robert McDorman (Auto Claim Specialists), plans to use them in his fight for Right to Appraisal…and those details will be revealed next month. But in order to appreciate exactly why it’s so important to pursue this battle, it’s imperative for collision repairers to understand the impact of Right to Appraisal (RTA). Sure, you can flip through the pages of nearly any past issue of this magazine to…
Are Insurance Premium Spikes a Ripoff?
Published in New Jersey Automotive – Thomas Greco Publishing If it seems like your auto insurance premiums increased more than ever last year, you aren’t too far off base. Nationally, premiums rose by approximately 20 percent in 2023. That means insurance coverage costs rose six times faster than the Consumer Price Index (CPI) inflation rate of 3.4 percent, outpacing nearly every other common consumer cost and reflecting the largest annual increase since 1976. And those rate spikes are anticipated to continue in 2024 with predictions indicating an increase of 12.6 percent nationwide…and New Jersey drivers could see one of the highest increases of up to 34 percent! Insurance premium prices…
Eight Years Wasted: Rick Starbard Reflects on His Time with the ADALB
Published in New England Automotive Report – Thomas Greco Publishing When AASP/MA Past President Rick Starbard (Rick’s Auto Collision; Revere) was appointed to the Auto Damage Appraiser Licensing Board (ADALB) in June 2015 – alongside former Board member Lyle Pare (Plymouth Rock Assurance Corporation and current Board member Bill Johnson (Pleasant Street Auto; South Hadley/Belchertown) – many Commonwealth repairers viewed the big changes as signifying a new era for the ADALB. But that era came to an abrupt end last fall when Starbard was unceremoniously replaced by his predecessor, Carl Garcia (Carl’s Collision Center; Fall River). In fact, no mention was made of the new appointments when the Board gathered…
Grow from Within: Cultivating Talented Technicians In-House
Published in Hammer & Dolly – Thomas Greco Publishing Are you constantly looking for new technicians, painters or estimators to staff your shop? Does it seem impossible to find qualified, talented help these days? You’re not alone. Lots of shop owners report feeling the exact same way. But that’s not the case for everyone. Barry Dorn (Dorn’s Body & Paint; Mechanicsville, VA) found a way to combat the technician shortage that his facility was facing by shifting his outlook 10 years ago. “We started ‘growing’ our own technicians in 2013,” he shares. “We decided that hiring techs from other facilities wasn’t in our best interests in most cases because they…
Grow or Get Out: Positioning Your Business for Success and Sale
Published in Hammer & Dolly – Thomas Greco Publishing Your business is your baby; your life likely revolves around it. Running a collision repair facility keeps owners busy, day in and day out. Some owners love what they do and are looking forward to a future filled with advancement and expansion, while others are counting the days until they wash their hands of the whole thing. But whether you’re looking to grow or get out, your path begins by positioning your business to be successful without you. For growers, it’s physically impossible to be in two places at once, so you’re going to need to empower your team to make…
A Whole New World: ADAS Calibrations for Service Shops
Published in AASP-MN News – Thomas Greco Publishing Nearly every new vehicle on the market contains one or more ADAS feature, and while a lot of effort has gone into training collision shops over the past decade or so, it’s just as important for mechanical shops to be aware of what’s happening on this front since even the simplest tasks, such as replacing a headlamp or a radiator, could alter the position of a camera or module, requiring recalibration. With so many systems varying drastically from one make and model to the next, jumping into the world of calibrations can be incredibly overwhelming for many shops. It may feel like it’s…
Digging Deep in His Pockets to Protect the Right to Appraisal
Published in Texas Automotive – Thomas Greco Publishing It’s easy enough for people to claim they’re willing to “put their money where their mouth is” when there isn’t much money involved, but few people are actually willing to invest time, energy and money – and certainly not all three! – to stand by their convictions and do what’s right to protect others. Texas consumer Joe Collins is a rare exception to that rule. Last summer, a Rusk County District Court jury ruled in Collins’ favor in Joseph Wayne Collins v. State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company. During the trial, 12 Texans found the insurance giant had knowingly or intentionally engaged in…
Information Providers Inspired by SCRS Blend Study to Research Blend Times
Published in Texas Automotive – Thomas Greco Publishing “Sometimes it takes time to get people where you need them to be, to a place where they get it,” Society of Collision Repair Specialists (SCRS) Executive Director Aaron Schulenburg acknowledged during a recent ABAT webinar as he provided an “exciting” update on responses to the SCRS blend study, which was unveiled in November 2022 and revealed that blending takes an average of 31.59 percent more time than a full refinish, instead of 50 percent less time as all three major information providers (IPs) indicated by calculating blends at 50 percent of the full refinish time. Before diving into the recent progress made as a result…
Praxis v. Practice: NJ Law Seeks to Alleviate Vo-Tech Teacher Shortage
Published in New Jersey Automotive – Thomas Greco Publishing As shops seek to fill their facilities with qualified talent, the lament about the technician shortage has been heard from coast to coast for years, but rarely does anyone talk about a related problem that contributes to the lack of qualified talent available for body shops to hire: the teacher shortage! While it seems that there are fewer teachers filling classrooms each year in general, vo-tech schools seem to suffer the most from the dwindling profession. In fact, the lack of skilled trades teachers has led to several programs shutting down once their instructors retired simply because there was no one…
New Faces at the ADALB: A Q&A with Carl Garcia
Published in New England Automotive Report – Thomas Greco Publishing During the October meeting of the Auto Damage Appraiser Licensing Board (ADALB), two new members sat at the table: Carl Garcia (Carl’s Collision Center; Fall River) and Vicky Wei Ye (Bos Insurance Agency). The meeting ran without interruption, and the recent additions briefly introduced themselves at the end of the meeting after weighing in on Board business – and even voting on the revocation of an appraiser’s license! But who are these new Board members, and what are their qualifications? New England Automotive Report reached out to Garcia and Ye to request an interview. Although Ye did not respond to our request,…
Lessen the Learning Curve with SOPs
Published in New England Automotive Report – Thomas Greco Publishing Training new employees can be stressful – even if you hire an experienced estimator, painter or technician, it’s unlikely they’ve ever done things the way YOU want them done at YOUR facility…after all, they’ve never worked for YOU before, and everyone does things differently. There’s always a learning curve when a new employee joins your team! Someone who is competent (or even highly skilled) could struggle to assimilate into your shop culture simply because your processes are different than what they’re used to. But what if there was a way to help them get accustomed to your way of doing…
An Eye Forward: Does Specialization Give Shops an Advantage?
Published in Hammer & Dolly – Thomas Greco Publishing “Back in the day.” “When I opened my shop.” “Years ago.” Attend any collision industry event, and you’re sure to hear stories that begin in one of these ways and which proceed to lament the technological advances that have made it so much more challenging to run a successful auto body shop in the present day and age. After all, properly repairing vehicles requires investing in specific tools, equipment and training – all of which vary drastically depending on the vehicle make and model. But those challenges also present a unique opportunity when it comes to specialization. Because modern vehicles are…
MNCARS: Bridging the Gap in Promoting Automotive Service and Collision Repair Careers
Published in AASP-MN News – Thomas Greco Publishing “Why can’t I find any qualified help for my business?” This question is asked repeatedly by both automotive service and collision repair shops all across the country, and fortunately, this conundrum is being tackled by multiple organizations: TechForce Foundation, the Collision Repair Education Foundation (CREF) and Minnesota Careers in Auto Repair and Service (MNCARS) are just a few entities working to fill the void left in shops as the baby boomer generation finally starts to consider retirement. All three non-profits support future repair professionals through scholarships, in-person events and other resources. Despite the synchronicity that exists between those working on alleviating the…
Moving Forward: A Q&A with New AASP/NJ President Ken Miller
Published in New Jersey Automotive – Thomas Greco Publishing At AASP/NJ’s 2023 Annual Meeting, the association elected a new president for the first time since 2017. Last month, Past President Jerry McNee (Ultimate Collision Repair; Edison) reflected on his six years of service, but what about the future of the organization? That lies in the capable hands of current President Ken Miller (821 Collision; North Haledon) who sat down with New Jersey Automotive to share his thoughts on what association members can expect moving forward under his leadership. New Jersey Automotive: What industry experience do you bring to your new role as AASP/NJ President? Ken Miller: I started my career in this industry 35…
A Comedy of Under-Indemnification: Starring Progressive Insurance
Published in Texas Automotive – Thomas Greco Publishing “Ill deeds is doubled with an evil word.” – The Comedy of Errors by William Shakespeare, Act 3, Scene 2 Art imitates life, and sometimes, life imitates art. When William Shakespeare penned The Comedy of Errors toward the end of the 16th century, it’s highly unlikely that even the Bard could have imagined a connection between his first tragicomedy and the interactions between collision repair shops and certain insurers in 2023. Yet, it’s common for insurers to treat the topic of under-indemnification as comedic when it is, in fact, quite a tragedy for the shops contending with the challenges it poses as well as the consumers…
Valiant Hearts: ABAT Members Donate Repairs to Local Mom
Published in Texas Automotive – Thomas Greco Publishing If an auto body professional is asked why they pursued a career path in this industry, their explanation will almost always include some variation of “I wanted to help people.” So, when ABAT Executive Director Jill Tuggle turned to social media to post a plea on behalf of a local mom-in-need, it’s really no surprise that association members jumped at the opportunity to lend their aid. “A local ministry I volunteer for has a specific need. Please let me know if anyone is willing to help,” Tuggle addressed the Texas Collision Industry group on Facebook, requesting assistance for Valiant Hearts, an organization…
Six Years of Service: A Q&A with AASP/NJ Past President Jerry McNee
Published in New Jersey Automotive – Thomas Greco Publishing During AASP/NJ’s 2023 Annual Meeting, the association elected a new president (Ken Miller of 821 Collision; North Haledon) for the first time since 2017. Although Past President Jerry McNee will continue serving the organization and the industry as collision chairman, New Jersey Automotive sat down with him as he reflected on his six years of service as AASP/NJ president and took a look at what the future holds in his new role. New Jersey Automotive: What were your greatest accomplishments during your time as the AASP/NJ president? Jerry McNee: In one respect, I don’t know that I can claim any “great accomplishments” because my goal was…
Mission Win-Win: Why U.S. Military Veterans Make Great Shop Employees
Published in AASP-MN News – Thomas Greco Publishing Army. Navy. Air Force. Marines. Automotive and collision repair shops? At first glance, one of these things obviously does not belong in this list, but U.S. military veterans who have found a career in repair facilities just may offer a different perspective on the matter. In honor of Veterans Day on November 11, AASP-MN News spoke with several local veterans about the similarities and differences between military and shop life, how military training lends itself to a successful repair career and what shops can expect when they hire a veteran. Loyalty. Efficiency. An affinity for training. What employer wouldn’t gladly hire an employee…
EV Charging Stations: A New Revenue Stream for Your Shop?
Published in Hammer & Dolly – Thomas Greco Publishing “Electric vehicles (EVs) are the future…the future is EV.” Shops have been receiving this message for the past few years, and while some have invested in upgrades to their facilities, tools, equipment and training, many more have turned a deaf ear to the news. Yet, consumers are forging ahead with the purchase of EVs in many areas of the country, begging the question not only of “who will repair these vehicles?” but – more pressingly – where will drivers be able to charge them? While the total number of EVs in the US increased from 1,019,260 to 1,454,580 from 2021 to…
Shops Stand Strong Against Economic Downturns (Part 2)
Published in New Jersey Automotive – Thomas Greco Publishing It may be scary to think about an economic downturn, but as discussed in last month’s New Jersey Automotive (at, auto body shops often encounter these uncertainties in a different way than other industries, and experts even suggest this industry may be “recession-resistant!” One of the factors that supports this thinking is the average American’s continued reliance on their personal transportation. At the same time, consumers are less apt to take on more debt by making large purchases like new cars. Inflation and increasing interest rates have collaboratively created a situation where buying a new car is incredibly prohibitive: by the end of…
More Delays at the ADALB
Published in New England Automotive Report – Thomas Greco Publishing Not much happened during the July 12 meeting of the Auto Damage Appraiser Licensing Board (ADALB). The Board was scheduled for a hearing to review the potential revocation of Justin Forkuo’s (290 Auto Body; Worcester) appraiser license, but since Forkuo’s attorney was unable to attend the meeting, the hearing has been postponed until the next ADALB meeting. Moving on to “other business,” Board member Peter Smith (MAPFRE) broached the topic of out-of-state appraiser licensing, explaining that there’s an issue with the system used; the system will not allow an automated renewal for appraisers who do not have a residence in…
Jury Gives State Farm a Quarter Million Reasons to Do the Right Thing
Published in Texas Automotive – Thomas Greco Publishing A Rusk County District Court jury recently gave State Farm a quarter million reasons to be a better neighbor to its policyholders when 12 Texans found the insurance giant had knowingly or intentionally engaged in unfair and deceptive acts or practices in Joseph Wayne Collins v. State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company, awarding the plaintiff $248,517.59! Collins’ journey to this decision began over three years ago when he took his 2009 Toyota Tacoma pickup truck to Burl’s Collision Center (Henderson) to repair hail damage. Although the vehicle owner wanted the truck repaired, State Farm declared it a total loss and initially offered $13,450…
Shops Stand Strong Against Economic Downturns (Part 1)
Published in New Jersey Automotive – Thomas Greco Publishing Thoughts of inflation, recession and rising interest rates often fill small business owners with fear, but for collision repair shops, there may be less cause for concern since this industry is better equipped than most to stand strong against economic downturns. Of course, no business is truly recession-proof, but some may resist market uncertainty better than others. Industry leaders share their thoughts on how shops can weather the economic storms and continue to thrive. “When interest rates rise and there are fears of a recession, I recognize how easy it is to become overwhelmed with fears, but I’m not afraid,” insists…
Becoming a Shop of the Future: A WMABA Roundtable Discussion
Published in Hammer & Dolly – Thomas Greco Publishing From electric vehicles (EVs), ADAS and diagnostics to OEM certification, DRPs and consolidation, the future of the collision repair industry is rife with challenges for shops that want to remain competitive amidst these never-ending changes. Retaining employees has become even more important than attracting clients, but simultaneously, no business can be successful without maintaining a superior level of customer service. So, how can an auto body facility navigate the myriad aspects of the business to become a “shop of the future”? WMABA Board members Barry Dorn (Dorn’s Body & Paint; Mechanicsville, VA), Kris Burton (Rosslyn Auto Body; Alexandria, VA) and WMABA…
Tackling the Tough Topics: An Executive Director Roundtable
Published in New Jersey Automotive – Thomas Greco Publishing The collision repair industry grows increasingly complex year after year…and sometimes day by day! From dealing with insurers to educating consumers to enhancing your shop’s abilities through training initiatives, these struggles may seem insurmountable, but with a little knowledge and preparation, shops can tackle the toughest trials and tribulations. Few individuals understand exactly what shops are facing each day as thoroughly as the leaders of the nation’s most influential associations who graciously shared their thoughts. We discussed some of the most pressing topics shops are facing with AASP/NJ Executive Director Charles Bryant, AASP/MA Executive Director Lucky Papageorg, AASP-MN Executive Director Linden…