Feature stories
Tech Shortage Solutions: Shop Owners Engage with Local Schools and Students
Published in New England Automotive Report – Thomas Greco Publishing Collision repair industry professionals around the country struggle to find and retain qualified help, but with the average technician age now exceeding 50 years old, it’s obvious that a lack of young people entering the industry is driving the tech shortage. Last month, New England Automotive Report featured insights from three local collision repair instructors whose various experiences yielded a cohesive message: “Schools and industry have to work hand in hand,” according to Kenneth Stukonis (Assabet Valley High School; Marlborough). “Engagement from local shops is great because they help us and our administration understand which tools and equipment to buy and what…
TDI Turns Blind Eye to Consumer Under-Indemnification
Published in Texas Automotive – Thomas Greco Publishing If an employee in your shop blatantly refused to perform the job you hired them to do, they probably wouldn’t maintain their position for very long. That’s generally the case at any job, in any industry; however, when it comes to some state agencies governing the insurance industry – the entities tasked with protecting consumers from unfair business practices and under-indemnification – it seems that employees are encouraged to shirk their duties and protect the insurers, rather than the consumers who are being injured. In the December 2021 edition of Texas Automotive, ABAT accused the Texas Department of Insurance (TDI) of being…
Forget About the Price Tag and Focus on Proper Billing
Published in Hammer & Dolly – Thomas Greco Publishing Unless you’ve been living under a rock (and growing your own food), it’s impossible to ignore the rising costs in every area of life – from groceries to gas and everything in between. With inflation hitting a 40-year record high of 7.5 percent, everyone is feeling the impact, especially shop owners who are contending with rising costs from every angle, including paint and materials, for which they aren’t being properly reimbursed. “Raw materials is the main issue,” according to John Shoemaker (BASF). “On top of that, a limited number of items are able to enter and leave the ports, making transportation…
Parts Authorization, Indemnification and More—Documentation Part 3
Published September 23, 2014 in Autobody News Over the past two issues (see August and September Autobody News), industry attorney Erica Eversman has offered some insights into the various types of documentation that collision repair facilities can use to protect their interests and help them obtain proper compensation for work performed. In the final installment in this series on repair documentation, Eversman helps explain the purpose for and how to use the Parts Notice/Authorization and the Indemnification/Hold Harmless Letter, with a few additional documents. The Parts Notice/Authorization is an important form for repair shops to utilize since most states have statutes pertaining to the use of used or aftermarket parts which requires the…
Repair Documentation Series, Part 2: Assignment of Proceeds and Writ of Replevin
Published August 22, 2014 in Autobody News Repair documentation plays an important role in your collision repair business, but many shop owners are not very familiar with what they need to protect their interests, so I’ve turned to an industry-leading attorney to provide crucial information on what you need to know about documentation in the collision repair industry. Last month, Erica Eversman, Chief Counsel for Vehicle Information Services, Inc. and founder of the Automotive Education and Policy Institute, a non-profit organization geared toward educating consumers, explained how collision repair facilities can use the Authorization to Repair and Repair Contract to receive proper compensation from insurers in legal battles. While those…
How to Write an Authorization to Repair and Repair Contract—Documentation Part 1
Published July 29, 2014 in Autobody News When I first started to write about the collision repair industry, I was astonished by the plethora of issues that can arise on any given day, but what surprised me the most was the difficulty that so many repair facilities face when trying to receive proper compensation for the work they have (already performed); after all, I fully expect to be paid for the work I do, and as a consumer, I would hope that the people who repair my vehicle receive the same consideration. Unfortunately, I now know that is not always the case, but I’ve also learned that there is a…
What Cars Say: “We Need More Female Technicians!”
Written on behalf of the Collision Repair Education Foundation. Printed in Body Shop Business In recognition of Women’s History Month, author Rachael Alfonso has partnered with the Collision Repair Education Foundation (CREF) to raise funds in support of female collision repair students. When industry supporters purchase a copy of Alfonso’s new book, “What Cars Say,” through the dedicated link, a portion of the sale will be donated to a fund for future female technicians. “This is a great book for any auto enthusiast,” Brandon Eckenrode, Director of Development for CREF, said. “The Foundation is proud to endorse Rachel, a female automotive professional and author, and we’re excited to announce a…
New Jersey Collision Repair Professionals Want Schools to Put Students First
Published in Autobody News John Truman, owner of Truman Muscle Car Parts in Egg Harbor Township, NJ, has been fighting to save local collision repair education programs since 2014, when he learned that his alma mater, Atlantic County Institute of Technology, had discontinued its high school auto body program. “In the last seven years, auto body education programs closed in Atlantic and Cumberland counties. The collision repair industry is poising to shut down – we need new techs NOW; however, many of the vo-tech auto body programs are dying. Once they’re gone, they’re gone for good. It’s impossible to bring them back!” Truman stressed. Truman’s passion for the collision repair…
CREF Helps Student-Turned-Industry-Pro Clear Collision’s Hurdles
Written on behalf of the Collision Repair Education Foundation. Printed in Body Shop Business. Printed in Autobody News. When the Collision Repair Education Foundation erased Destiny Potter’s student debt in 2017, it did not erase every challenge she’d face while pursuing a career in the collision repair industry, but with the support of the Foundation, a solid education, devotion to the industry, and some good old-fashioned determination, Potter is jumping every hurdle in her path – and gaining loads of experience along the way! A mixture of factors sparked Potter’s interest in the collision repair industry. At age five, she helped her father with small repairs on his vehicles. They…
Collision Repair’s Unsung Hero: How Does CREF Distribute In-Kind Donations to Vo-Tech Schools Around the U.S.?
Published in Autobody News Each year, the Collision Repair Education Foundation receives millions of dollars’ worth of in-kind donations from generous industry companies and professionals eager to support the next generation of collision repair professionals. Donations include tools, equipment and even car parts, which are distributed to the collision repair programs in need at vo-tech schools around the country. With so many large-scale donations and a limited staff, distribution seems an impossible task for CREF to manage alone – and it is! As the Foundation’s efforts to raise awareness of the challenges in collision repair education gained traction, the industry’s generosity caused CREF leaders to ask about schools offering warehouse…
The Machine Behind the Women: Drive Safer and Smart by Knowing Your Vehicle’s Capabilities
Printed on AskPatty.com AskPatty CEO, Jody DeVere, recently joined the Ladies Offroad Network (LON) for an off-roading adventure through Moab, Utah’s challenging terrain. While most of us think that makes Jody a total badass, she largely credits the experience to ZACC, her 2017 Jeep Renegade Desert Trailhawk. “In the world of off-roading, ZACC is among the smallest vehicles, but he and I have developed a symbiotic relationship; understanding his capabilities and developing my skills around them enhances the driving experience, both off and on the road,” she shares. “Other off-roaders were astonished by some of the things ZACC did, but I wasn’t surprised – he’s a very capable vehicle.” ZACC…
Collision Repair Industry Associations Make 2021 New Year’s Resolutions
Printed in Autobody News On New Year’s Eve, people typically enjoy reflecting on the ending year, but 2020 has been a little chaotic, to say the least. While no one seems particularly sad to say goodbye to 2020, there’s still excitement and hope for the incoming year, expressed by making New Year’s resolutions. Collision repair industry associations are optimistic about the upcoming year and graciously agreed to share their 2021 New Year’s resolutions with Autobody News. Because 2020 has contained so many unprecedented events and situations, many associations’ resolutions for the new year are centered around anticipating and addressing members’ imminent needs. Bob Amendola, president of the ABAC, is “looking…
2020 Collision Repair Industry: A Year in Review
Printed in Autobody News It’s undeniable that 2020 has been a year for the history books – the amount of change that has taken place over the past 12 months is unprecedented and has been disruptive in every imaginable way. As 2020 comes to its conclusion, the world reflects on the year’s events, and a handful of collision repair industry leaders share their thoughts on the most impactful memories for their associations in 2020. The largest force this year has been the spread and attempts to prevent further spread of COVID-19. This has translated into many virtual events, and Zoom has become much more than onomatopoeia, with nearly every association…
How to Slay Car Monsters with Preventative Care
Published on AskPatty.com Your hands are shaking, you’re hyperventilating, and you’re terrified. No, it’s not a zombie shambling up behind you; your tremors are related to another type of monster – vehicle maintenance and repair – and that can seem way scarier! Car problems are frightening and can be dangerous, but vehicle owners don’t need to be spooked. In honor of Fall Car Care Month, here are some tips to help you arm yourself with the weapons you need to defeat all the car care monsters that Halloween can throw at you. Prevent Scary Monster Car Repairs When it comes to gearing up to protect your vehicle and yourself against…
CREF Scholarships and Support Enable Body Shop Estimator to Move Up the Ladder Faster
Written for the Collision Repair Education Foundation, Printed in Autobody News Hoffman Estates, Ill. (September 16, 2020) – Justin Furman, an estimator at Bill Brown Ford on the fast track to becoming a manager, largely credits his career successes to the support he received from the Collision Repair Education Foundation (CREF) and PPG. “The scholarships I received from the industry enabled me to graduate college with a bachelor’s degree in Technology Management, virtually debt-free,” Furman said. “Unburdened by worries about college debt, I was able to focus my attention on my passion for the automotive industry,” Furman added. “Additionally, my relationship with CREF provided a solid foundation to show the…
MCTEC Student Continues Collision Education During Lockdown, Earns 95 Certifications
For the Collision Repair Education Foundation (CREF) The mandates for social distancing in response to the COVID-19 outbreak has necessitated that schools around the world close their doors and transition to a virtual learning format. Teachers reacted quickly by creating lesson plans for students to complete remotely; however, without any in-person engagement, many students have forsaken their studies and essentially disappeared from the education system’s radar. This is not true of Alex Pruitt, a senior year student at Mercer County Technical Education Center (MCTEC) in Princeton, W. Va. MCTEC Collision Repair Technology Instructor Daryl Barton first boasted about Pruitt’s dedication to his education and the industry in an online forum:…
Most Insurers Reimbursing for COVID Clean Up Most of the Time
Printed in Autobody News In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, auto body shops have been forced to step up their vehicle sanitization efforts. Sanitization to prevent the spread of COVID-19 is particularly important in collision repair shops because the disease can live up to several days on certain types of metals, according to the National Institutes of Health, which conducted research in collaboration with the CDC, UCLA and Princeton University. The research found “severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) was detectable in aerosols for up to three hours, up to four hours on copper, up to 24 hours on cardboard and up to two to three days on plastic and stainless steel.”…
Collision Repair Industry Associations Make 2020 New Year’s Resolutions
Printed in Autobody News For many, making a New Year’s resolution is an important part of celebrating the calendar changeover, and the most common resolutions are intended to improve an individual’s life – losing weight, learning something new, or saving more money. Studies show that 46% of those who make a New Year’s resolution are likely to succeed. Associations supporting the collision repair industry have also begun to evaluate what improvements they can make as the old year draws to a close, and several industry leaders were willing to share their 2020 New Year’s resolutions with Autobody News. A common resolution amongst association leadership is focused on growing their organization’s membership…
2019 Collision Repair Industry: A Year in Review
Printed in Autobody News As 2019 draws to a close, the world looks back on the year and reflects on all the changes that have come with the turning of a calendar. A handful of collision repair industry leaders share their thoughts on the most impactful memories for their associations in 2019, ranging from association growth and events to future-focused enterprises, such as legislation and aiding the next generation of collision repair professionals. Many associations report growth in membership and benefits for their members. SCRS Executive Director Aaron Schulenburg discusses the group’s continued commitment to their healthcare plan and the launch of their 401K Multiple Employer Plan. “There is a significant retirement savings shortage…
Automotive Industry Career Fairs Address Tech Shortage by Connecting Dealers with Next Generation of Repairers
Printed in Fixed Ops Magazine The difficulties of finding and hiring qualified technicians to enter automotive repair shops have elicited concern and dismay from industry businesses across the country for years. Estimating that there are around 750,000 automotive technicians and mechanics nationally, the U. S. Bureau of Labor Statistics anticipates that the industry will need an additional 46,000 technicians by 2026. By increasing that number with consideration to the amount of technicians retiring or leaving the automotive industry for other reasons, this reveals a worrisome shortage of techs available to keep up with customer demands. Dealers may wonder if this shortage really impacts them, and the answer is yes! Since…
Protect Your Shop From the Threat of Ransomware
Printed in Autobody News With an alarming increase of ransomware attacks plaguing the collision repair industry, cybersecurity has become an important topic for shop owners to educate themselves on for the safety of their businesses. A type of cybersecurity risk, ransomware attacks are when someone seizes control of an organization’s computer system or digital information, agreeing to release it only after a ransom has been paid. Ransomware is typically spread through phishing emails with malicious attachments or by visiting an infected website, but shops have also been hacked through open ports. After infecting the victim’s system, the ransomware virus encrypts every data file it finds and displays a demand for…
Mike Anderson and Impacted Shop Owner Warn Industry of Computer Ransom Scheme
Featured in Autobody News Monday, 08 July 2019 15:31 Written by Chasidy Rae Sisk Over the past few months, Collision Advice’s Mike Anderson has been contacted by over a dozen shops regarding a computer ransom scheme where body shops’ computers and IT systems are hijacked and held for ransom. Unable to access their programs and documents, victims are then contacted by the hackers with instructions on how to pay the ransom, usually in bitcoin. Ryan Cropper, owner of Able Body Shops in Anchorage, AK, stopped in his shop on the Saturday before going on vacation in November 2018. He recalls, “All of the icons looked like Christmas presents and clicking on them opened a message…
Collision Repair Industry Associations Make 2019 New Year’s Resolutions
Monday, 10 December 2018 21:50 Featured in AUTOBODYNEWS Since the Babylonians began the tradition of making New Year’s resolutions over 4,000 years ago, people around the world have kicked off each new year by making a promise to improve some aspect of their lives. The collision repair industry is no different, and associations around the country have begun thinking about what they can do to improve their organizations in 2019. Fortunately, some of these industry leaders were willing to share their 2019 New Year’s resolutions with Autobody News. Increasing membership, expanding educational offerings and pursuing legislative initiatives were all largely important to associations and the industry in 2018. Collision repair professionals can…
2018 Collision Repair Industry: A Year in Review
Wednesday, 21 November 2018 20:25 Featured in AUTOBODYNEWS From President Trump’s meeting with North Korea’s Kim Jong-un to the many tragic shootings and storms that have ravaged the United States in 2018, this year has been one of metamorphosis, altering reality and perception for many individuals. The same holds true for the collision repair industry and its associations, which have faced a variety of organizational changes and never-ending updates in technology and requirements. As 2018 draws to a close, several association leaders were willing to share some feedback about their associations’ best and most memorable changes this past year. Changes in leadership were a recurring theme that many associations saw in 2018.…
The Next Generation Speaks Out on Their Collision Repair Careers
Monday, 05 November 2018 19:33 Featured in AUTOBODYNEWS v It is common knowledge in the collision repair industry that there is a shortage of incoming technicians. Over the past few years, many articles, educational seminars and programs have been dedicated to this dilemma. However, while many industry professionals have spoken about what shops can do to engage millennials and Generation Z (those born between 1995 and 2009), rarely does this information come with feedback from the young people in these age groups who have decided to join the industry’s workforce. Why did these young people pursue a career in the collision repair industry? What factors are most important when considering…
Larry Montanez Plays Devil’s Advocate for State Farm Labor Rate Decreases
Wednesday, 28 December 2016 00:07 Featured in AUTOBODYNEWS Many collision repair industry professionals have taken up arms in reaction to State Farm’s decision to lower labor rates in parts of NJ and NY, but amidst the outrage, a very recognizable voice is strangely absent. Industry advocate Larry Montanez of P & L Consultants has taken a different stance on this situation as he appeals to the industry to consider a logical approach. Montanez notes, “State Farm is lowering labor rates to what they consider to be a reasonable amount based on what they say is their market research. Conversely, they did originally claim that their extensive market rate survey is what placed their…
What Does Photo Estimating Mean for the Collision Repair Industry?
Thursday, 07 July 2016 17:22 Featured in AUTOBODYNEWS Photo estimating is the newest hot topic in the collision repair industry, causing quite a stir after Pennsylvania, Virginia and Delaware passed laws allowing insurers to write estimates based on photos of vehicle damage submitted by the insured. Advocates of photo estimating praise its convenience while those in opposition are concerned about supplement increases and its impact on the reputation of collision repair facilities. So how does photo estimating impact shops, consumers and insurance companies? To find out what this new trend really entails, Autobody News spoke with CJ Przybyl, president of Snapsheet; Aaron Schulenburg, executive director of SCRS; Dan Risley, executive director of…
CREF Urges the Collision Repair Industry to Donate to Improve the Industry’s Future
Wednesday, 01 July 2015 19:19 Featured in AUTOBODYNEWS Across the country, collision repair industry training programs face jeopardy due to a lack of funding, and although it seems like summer just began, classes will be back in session in a blink of an eye. While students enjoy the beach and make memories in the sun, their instructors are already busy plotting how to provide the best possible technical education with limited budgets and resources. The Collision Repair Education Foundation (CREF) invites the industry to partner with their organization to ensure that the next generation of collision repair professionals graduate with the skills necessary to be useful to their future employers.…
Associations Look Back on 2014
Thursday, 18 December 2014 00:00 Featured in AUTOBODYNEWS From record snowfalls in the southern U.S. to a missing Malaysian airplane to the fear of an Ebola outbreak, 2014 was a memorable, if somewhat frightening, year around the world. In the American collision repair industry, 2014 was riddled with lawsuits against insurers’ unfair business practices and other battles for the rights of collision repair professionals, but industry associations still managed to provide some positive experiences for their members throughout the year. As the New Year rolls around, Autobody News asked a handful of association leaders about the most memorable things their associations did in 2014. Dan Risley, Executive Director of ASA-National,…
Industry Observations From Erica Eversman
Sunday, 26 January 2014 17:57 Featured in AUTOBODYNEWS If you’ve been paying the least bit of attention to legal issues in the collision repair industry over the past decade, you probably know of Erica Eversman. She’s an OH attorney and consumer advocate specializing in understanding collision repairers’ issues and their impact on consumer safety. A noted authority and frequent speaker on the topics of diminished value, DRP networks and the influence insurers attempt to exert over repairers, Eversman serves as a consultant to the industry, assisting repairers to analyze proposed regulations and laws affecting the industry. In addition to writing “AutoMuse”, an award-winning blog, she is chief counsel for Vehicle…
Female Circumcision’s Unknown Appearance in America
Submitted On October 28, 2007 Featured in Ezine Articles Pain. Hemorrhage. Death. By methods of cutting and ripping with knives, thorns, glass shards. A surgery that has affected over 100 million women. And the name? Female circumcision, genital mutilation, or simply torture. Each year, approximately 2 million women and girls across the world experience this surgery that ranges from a small incision on the clitoris to complete removal of all external genitalia. For many, there is nothing that they can do to stop it. Female genital mutilation or circumcision is the cutting, pricking, or complete removal of external female genitalia. The reasons for this are to promote chastity, to enhance…