News Stories
MCRA Supports Collision Repair Training Program, Urges Other Associations to Get Involved
Printed in Autobody News This fall, the Montana Collision Repair Association (MCRA) announced its partnership with the Collision Repair Education Foundation (CREF) to support the state’s only collision repair training program at Montana State University (MSU) – Billings City College. MCRA President Paul Flores stated, “The MSU-Billings Collision Program is the only post-secondary automobile collision repair and refinishing program available in the state of Montana. The collision repair industry is in a unique era of growth, consolidation, and advancement in technology. At the same time, the industries talent pool lacks the volume to support the extensive personnel needs of collision repair facilities.” MCRA offers its support of MSU-Billings’ auto collision repair and refinishing program…
ABAC’s New Season Begins With CollisionAdvice Presentation
Printed in Autobody News The Auto Body Association of Connecticut (ABAC) returned from summer break on Sept. 26 when nearly 100 attendees gathered at the USS Chowder Pot IV in Hartford, CT, where they received updates on the association, learned about future plans, and enjoyed a presentation on “Creating a Non-Negotiable Final Bill,” delivered by Scott Simmons of CollisionAdvice. ABAC President Bob Amendola kicked things off by thanking attendees and sponsors for their continued support and attendance before introducing ABAC Legal Counsel, Attorney John Parese, who provided an update on the industry’s efforts to preserve the 1963 Consent Decree. Parese explained, “The 1963 Consent Decree is the culmination of litigation the United States Department of Justice initiated against…
AASP-MN Invites Author of Satisfactory Collision Repair Bill to Learn About Industry
Printed in Autobody News As AASP-MN continues to promote the passage of legislation that would require insurers to pay for OEM-mandated repair procedures, the association invited Representative Ruth Richardson (DFL – Mendota Heights, MN), who authored the bill in the House, to a recent meeting which was held at Heppner’s Auto Body in Inver Grove Heights, MN. “Procedures such as pre- and post-repair scans ensure that damaged vehicles returning to the road have been properly repaired,” said Kevin Walli, AASP-MN lobbyist. “Coincidentally, the meeting took place the day that Auto-Owners Insurance issued a notice that it would pay a shop’s mechanical rate for pre-repair and post-repair scans,” Walli added. “Auto Owners is taking the lead in the insurance industry…
Rick White Teaches ASA North Texas to Succeed and Conquer with KPIs
Printed in Autobody News On Sept. 21, ASA North Texas hosted a full-day training event at Holiday Inn Express & Suites DFW West in Hurst, Texas, featuring Rick White of 180BIZ. During the morning, White presented “Succeed and Conquer With KPIs,” and the afternoon focused on “Becoming a Talent Magnet.” An officer election was also held during the meeting, and newly elected ASA North Texas President John Firm noted, “ASA Texas prides ourselves on bringing nationally known automotive repair industry instructors to our state so members can learn from the best without having to take on the expense of traveling around the country.” “The top shop owners and service writers from the Dallas-Fort Worth-Denton market…
ASA, AAM Host Forum Focused on New Tech, Data Access and Cybersecurity
Printed in Autobody News On Sept. 12, ASA and the Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers (AAM) partnered to host the 6th Annual Technology and Telematics Forum at the Hilton Garden Ballroom in Troy, MI. The first half of the day featured five panels with topics intended to prepare collision repair professionals for the imminent technological advances in the industry’s future. Bob Redding, ASA Washington, D.C., representative, described the event: “It’s an opportunity for independent repairers to hear first-hand the latest vehicle technology advances, discussions about data access, and dialogue with colleagues.” ASA Executive Director Ray Fisher felt the program was very successful, and he stated, “I want to thank the Alliance for not only their sponsorship of the program,…
KABA’s July Event Focuses on Safe Repairs
Printed in Autobody News On July 27, the Kansas Auto Body Association (KABA) hosted a full-day educational event for collision repair industry professionals at Thirsty’s Brew Pub and Grill in Hays, KS. The association’s goal, according to KABA Vice President Tony Adams, “was to bring educational information on safe and proper repairs to protect Kansas consumers while strengthening our members on being better operators. The event was received well by our attendees and was a success. We brought in speakers covering subjects from I-CAR training to marketing and financials, and even had technical demonstrations with equipment.” KABA President Jeff Oldenettel discussed I-CAR’s recent enhancements, and Robb Young of P3 Consultants offered invaluable information on marketing and OEM certifications. “Financials…
180BIZ Webinar Focuses on Making Change Stick in Collision Repair Shops
Printed in Autobody News In August, Rick White of 180BIZ presented an informative webinar on “Making Change Stick” in collision repair shops. He began by asking, “How many times have you put something in place in your shop, thought you had it going, and then realize it’s gone right back to where it was before? This is one of the most frustrating things you go through as a business owner. Often, owners blame their staff, but I’m going to show you it’s not their fault and explore how to get change to stick.” White defined change as “to make the form, nature, content or future course of something different from what it is or…
Kukui Webinar Emphasizes Importance of Understanding Metrics
Printed in Autobody News On Thursday, Aug. 22, the Kukui Corporation hosted a webinar for the automotive and collision repair industries entitled “Understanding Metrics That Drive Business to Your Shop.” Kukui’s Jimmy Lea and Patrick Egan were joined by Stéphane Grabina, owner of Excluservice; Bryan Gossel, owner of BG Auto; Tekmetric CEO Sunil Patel; and Prasanth Chilukuri, co-founder of Tekmetric, as they explored the difference between data-informed and data-driven, discussing how to use these metrics to make business decisions. Highlighting the features of Kukui’s system, Lea began, “This is an exciting topic. Successful shop owners run their business from data information, but there’s also a gut feeling that comes sometimes; the data says something could happen, but you know today isn’t the day. You…
WIN Holds “Backpack Drive” During Local Networking Event in Denver
Printed in Autobody News On Aug.17, the Women’s Industry Network (WIN) gave back to the community by collecting backpacks and other back to school necessities to benefit Denver Public Schools’ ESSA Foster and Military Family program. The event was hosted by Axiom Accident and Hail Repair in Englewood, CO, whose Director of Customer Experience Kim Frasher sits on WIN’s board of directors. Frasher shared, “The event went very smoothly and exceeded all expectations. Once Cheryl [Boswell, WIN chair] mentioned on a board call that we should have a ‘backpack drive’ type of event in Denver for WIN members and the collision repair industry in general, I got to work planning.” “We wanted to establish an active WIN member…
ASA North Texas Provides Training on Pre- and Post-Repair Scans
Printed in Autobody News On Aug. 15, ASA North Texas held a meeting, sponsored by DRiV Inc. Guest speaker Paul Stinson of North Texas Pro Solutions spoke about pre- and post-repair scans during the collision repair process. According to meeting coordinator John Firm, “The event went well. We had one new member and the ASA-Texas board present. We held the meeting to make members aware of changes in our industry and to provide an update from our sponsor about their recent changes.” ASA North Texas Secretary Rod Burtch added, “The meeting went as planned, and we had a great showing of membership. There were lots of questions about the change from Tenneco to DRiV Inc., but the meeting also provided a great opportunity for…
2015 Sherwin-Williams v. JB Collision Receives Court Attention in 2019
Printed in Autobody News Earlier this year, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that evidence existed supporting the $2.88 million verdict awarded to JB Collision in the shop’s lawsuit against Sherwin-Williams. Originally heard in 2015, the litigation’s jury awarded $3.25 million to the shop, but after the trial, the Court partially granted Sherwin-William’s motion to reduce JB Collision’s damages to $634,357.07. In response to an appeal filed by JB Collision and JJT owner John Tyczki, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that U. S. Southern District Chief Judge Larry Burns erred in his 2016 decision. After Sherwin-Williams v. JB Collision came before the appeals court on April 25, 2019, three judges unanimously agreed that the 2015…
Texas Watch Requests TDI’s Public Records on “Prevailing Rate”
Printed in Autobody News On July 17, Texas Watch, a non-profit consumer advocacy organization, contacted the Texas Department of Insurance (TDI), asking for copies of all public documents and information related to “prevailing rate” policy language. When asked why the advocacy group got involved in this topic, Texas Watch Executive Director Ware Wendell explained, “Prevailing rate is really, at base, a safety issue. If repair professionals can’t get paid enough to do the job the right way, consumers ultimately are the ones who suffer. They are under indemnified, their vehicles are devalued, and their lives are endangered. Insurers have been cherry-picking rates and forcing policy language on us that only benefits them. That…
St. Louis I-CAR Committee Prepares for Upcoming Job Fair
Printed in Autobody News On July 11, the St. Louis I-CAR Committee gathered to discuss the group’s goals and their upcoming job fair. According to Committee Chair Shelly Jones, “Regarding the goals, we are over halfway there. With upcoming events planned, we anticipate reaching Gold Status again this year.” Gene Slattery, committee education coordinator, shared information about the upcoming job fair with the group. The Gateway Automotive and Collision Job Fair is scheduled for Friday, Sept. 27, from 8 a.m. until 2 p.m. at Gateway Motorsport Park in Madison, IL. The St. Louis I-CAR Committee anticipates the attendance of 750 automotive and collision repair high school and college students; however, due…
ABAT Excitedly Preparing for 2019 Texas Auto Body Trade Show
Printed in Autobody News On Sept. 20 and 21, the Auto Body Association of Texas(ABAT) will host its 2019 Texas Auto Body Trade Show at the Will Rogers Memorial Center in Fort Worth, Texas. According to ABAT President Burl Richards, “After making headway in defending consumer safety during the latest legislative session, ABAT is now gearing up for the 2019 Texas Auto Body Trade Show. The engagement from new and returning exhibitors has already been phenomenal. When I compare where ABAT was at the time of last year’s show to where we are now, it’s clear that our message is getting out there. I encourage everyone to come out and be a…
LA Shop Owner Runs for State Senate
VT Shop Owner Scores Big Short-Pay Win Against Nationwide
At the end of June, Mike Parker, owner of Parker’s Classic Autoworks in Rutland, VT received a phone call from his attorney Robert McClallen informing him that they’d finally won their short-pay lawsuit against Nationwide. “I was like, ‘Finally, hallelujah!” Parker shared. “There were definitely some useful points made in the case that could be used by shops suing for short-pays in the future, especially against Nationwide – since the Supreme Court hearing utilized a five-panel jury, this could set a precedent that shops’ attorneys would want to point out.” Initially filed in 2015, Parker’s case allowed him to stand in the shoes of 70 customers whose cars had been…
GA Insurance Commissioner Suspended as Result of $2M Fraud Case
Featured in Autobody News Thursday, 06 June 2019 18:50 Written by Chasidy Rae Sisk Georgia Insurance Commissioner Jim Beck (R) was indicted in May on 38 counts of defrauding a former employer, the Georgia Underwriting Association (GUA), for a total of more than $2 million over a five-year period. In a statement, U. S. Attorney Byung J. Pak said, “Beck allegedly pocketed a substantial amount of money to which he was not entitled while he was the GUA General Manager for Operations. To be clear, the grand jury has charged Commissioner Beck with crimes that occurred before he was elected to his current public office.” Beck denied these allegations which include money laundering as well as…
LA Anti-Steering Bill Passes House and Senate, Awaits Governor Signature
Featured in Autobody News Wednesday, 05 June 2019 17:13 Written by Chasidy Rae Sisk Louisiana House Bill 411, an anti-steering bill which would require consumers to be notified of their right to choose a shop, passed the state’s House of Representatives and Senate in May. In order to become law, the bill merely needs to be signed by Gov. John Bel Edwards. According to an email written by Edwards’ communications director Shauna Sanford, “The Governor is inclined to sign the bill given the overwhelming support of the measure by the Legislature. There was no objection to the bill by the House or Senate.” House Bill 211 was introduced on March 29. Sponsored…
Texas Auto Body Insurance Accountability Bill Defeated by Clock, Supporters Optimistic About Progress Made
Featured In Autobody News Texas Auto Body Insurance Accountability Bill Defeated by Clock Written by Chasidy Rae Sisk The Texas Auto Body Insurance Accountability Bill, House Bill 1348, failed to receive a second reading by the end of this legislative session, simply running out of time rather than being defeated by the bill’s opponents. House Bill 1348 was only six bills away from being heard in the House Chamber when the clock signaled the end of the session, but proponents of the bill are still optimistic about the progress that was made. John Kopriva, president of the Houston Auto Body Association (HABA), said, “The 86th Legislative session is in the books. Looking back…
CCRE President Tony Lombardozzi Shares Views on NH House Bill 664
Tuesday, 05 February 2019 18:44 Featured in AUTOBODYNEWS Tony Lombardozzi, president of the Coalition for Collision Repair Excellence (CCRE) ASA recently announced its support of NH House Bill 664. The bill states, “An insurer shall reimburse a repairer for all repairs if a repairer follows original equipment manufacturer-recommended collision repair procedures, recommendations or service bulletins while repairing a vehicle.” ASA Washington D.C. representative Bob Redding wrote in a letter to the committee: “House Bill 664 addresses an issue of concern for consumers and repairers. The Seebachan v. John Eagle Collision Center decision reminded collision repairers of the importance of having proper repair procedures. The original equipment manufacturers’ (OEM) repair procedures are the logical repair processes to…
Auto Repair Professionals Create NYCARA To Represent 5 Boroughs
Friday, 25 January 2019 23:04 Featured in AUTOBODYNEWS Toward the end of 2018, several industry professionals in New York City identified the need for a trade association dedicated to helping automotive repair businesses and professionals in the five boroughs. Board member and founding member Paul Stern Jr. explained, “For a long time, we’ve seen a need and desire for community and education in this industry, but no one has really stepped up for the five boroughs. The creation of the New York City Auto Repair Association (NYCARA) comes from a place of wanting to help auto repairers run their businesses better, and when we ran it past some of the shops in the areas, we…
Dave Luehr Teaches WIN Members How To Develop a WINner’s Mindset
Friday, 19 October 2018 21:04 Featured in AUTOBODYNEWS Dave Luehr of Elite Body Shop Solutions On Wednesday, Oct. 10, the Women’s Industry Network(WIN®) hosted a webinar featuring Dave Luehr of Elite Body Shop Solutions, who presented “Developing a WINner’s Mindset (Pun Intended!).” “Right now is the greatest time to be in the collision repair business, but only for those with the right mindset,” he said. “But, what IS the right mindset? “When I think of the word ‘limitless,’ I’m immediately inspired by the beauty of human potential. It makes me think of a childlike quality that dares to dream big and live life to the fullest. No one said this business was going to…
Mike Cassata Presents on DRPs at NCACAR 3rd Quarter Meeting
Thursday, 13 September 2018 16:53 Featured in AUTOBODYNEWS Mike Cassata of Hammer Insights delivered an eye-opening presentation on DRPs during North Carolina Association of Collision and Autobody Repair’s Third Quarter Meeting in Fayetteville, NC, on August 16. According to NCACAR President Brian Davies, “Our keynote speaker was Mike Cassata, whose main focus was ‘How to Create a World Class Culture to Communicate and Respond to our Clients from an Insurer’s Point of View.’ Mike also spoke on the science behind NPS (Net Promoter Scores) and how it relates to our business. Finally, he spoke about the three C’s: Clear–Complete–Concise. He shared his thoughts on how critical file documentation is to the insurer…
ASA Hosts Road to Great Technicians Webinar With CARQUEST’s Chris Chesney
Thursday, 05 July 2018 22:11 Featured in AUTOBODYNEWS On June 20, the Automotive Service Association (ASA) hosted a webinar called “The Road to Great Technicians” with Chris Chesney, senior director of customer training for the CARQUEST Technical Institute. Attendees qualified for one credit from the Automotive Management Institute. After ASA Vice President Tony Molla introduced the webinar’s presenter, Chesney recounted his collaboration with the National Automotive Service Task Force (NASTF) to identify the Road to Great Technicians. They began in March 2016 when NASTF’s Spring General Meeting focused on the topic of building a road to great technicians. Chesney was asked to explain the current state of the aftermarket training industry.…
Maine Autobody Association Responds to Governor LePage’s Veto of Legislative Document 1540
Monday, 17 July 2017 22:35 Featured in AUTOBODYNEWS In June, Maine Governor Paul LePage (R) vetoed Legislative Document 1540, which sought to require insurers in ME to communicate a specific auto body shop choice disclosure. The House voted 102-41 to override the veto, but the Senate failed to acquire the two-thirds margin required to override the Governor’s veto with a vote of 20-14. The bill, which passed ME’s House by an overwhelming margin and by a narrower margin in the Senate earlier in June, would have expanded upon the current shop choice language in the ME Revised Statutes, which prohibits insurers and their agents from recommending a specific shop without informing their…
The Importance of Attracting, Hiring and Retaining Female Employees
Friday, 16 June 2017 21:40 Featured in AUTOBODYNEWS Jody DeVere’s breakout session addressed the importance and value of employing females in the collision repair industry. Among the three breakout sessions offered on Tuesday afternoon during WIN’s 2017 Educational Conference was “Why Is It So Important to Attract, Hire and Retain Women Employees?” presented by Jody DeVere, CEO of DeVere began by observing that most women enter the collision repair industry by accident, but there is something special about the automotive industry, and it makes for a fun, challenging and interesting career. Starting with some statistics on female consumers, DeVere noted that women buy more than half of new cars, influence up…
Mike Jones: Game Changers Take the Time to Clarify
Wednesday, 24 May 2017 18:28 Featured in AUTOBODYNEWS Mike Jones lectured on the importance of seeking clarity in order to improve communication at the 2017 WIN Educational Conference. On May 10, Discover Leadership Training’s PresidentMike Jones presented “Creating a Better Version of Yourself” during the last day of WIN’s 2017 Educational Conference. Drawing on his personal experiences flying police helicopters, creating programs for high school students to encourage their success, and as a cognitive scientist, Jones noted, “Words are not bad. People use words in bad ways. I urge you all to listen with the intent to be influenced, or you’ll miss the opportunity to be a better you.” Asking everyone to consider…
Erica Eversman Discusses Shop Liability and Protection
Wednesday, 03 May 2017 20:49 Featured in AUTOBODYNEWS Erica Eversman On April 18, AASP-PA hosted a presentation during CIC Week in Pittsburgh, PA, featuring Vehicle Information Services Chief Counsel Erica Eversman. This presentation focused on the liabilities shops are open to currently, how shops can protect themselves and tips on getting paid for proper repairs. Eversman took time to discuss some of the key points of her presentation. According to Eversman, “The most important thing for shop owners to remember is that they are the professionals. They are responsible for making decisions, and they are subject to the burden of resolving issues with the consumer or insurance companies, whether it’s…
Superare Marketing: “Stop Playing by the Appraiser’s Rules”
Tuesday, 11 April 2017 22:05 Featured in AUTOBODYNEWS Tony Lombardozzi teaches shops how to get paid properly. On the last day of AASP/NJ’s 40th Annual NORTHEAST Conference and Tradeshow, Superare Marketing’s Tony Lombardozzi and Peter Abdelmaseh hosted two sold-out sessions for shop owners: “Stop Playing by the Appraiser’s Rules” and “Set Your Own Prices and Make Them Stick.” In his introduction, Lombardozzi stated, “Twenty-five years ago, I made a commitment that I’d leave this industry better off. The word ‘superare’ is Italian for excellence, and we need to be more advanced than we are currently. We play by the insurer’s rules not because we have to but because we allow…
An Introduction to WIN’s 2017 Most Influential Women Honorees
Wednesday, 05 April 2017 19:51 Featured in AUTOBODYNEWS The Women’s Industry Network (WIN®) introduced its 2017 Most Influential Women (MIW) honorees on March 3. This award is designed to recognize women whose leadership, vision and commitment to excellence have enriched the collision repair industry. This year’s honorees, to be recognized at WIN’s MIW Gala and Awards ceremony during the association’s May conference in Denver, are Cristina Fronzaglia-Murray, Manager of Marketing Communications for PPG’s Automotive Refinish Division; Renee Ricciotti, Sales and Marketing Manager for 3M Automotive Aftermarket; and Elizabeth Stein, Vice President of Business Development and Marketing for the Assured Performance Network. WIN Chair Petra Schroeder stated, “Having been with WIN…
AASP/NJ’s 40th Annual NORTHEAST Bigger and Better Than Ever
Tuesday, 28 March 2017 21:17 Featured in AUTOBODYNEWS With 2017 marking AASP/NJ’s 40th Annual NORTHEAST Conference and Tradeshow, it comes as no surprise that this year’s event, held at the Meadowlands Exposition Center on March 17-19, was bigger and better than ever with a handful of firsts. AASP/NJ hosted a four-part Path to Certification panel series and presented the first James Moy Memorial Award for Dedication to the Automotive Repair Industry. Additionally, this was the first agenda to include presentations from Superare Marketing, and Mike Anderson of Collision Advice presented a brand new seminar on the importance of disassembly. According to AASP/NJ Executive Director Charles Bryant, “The 2017 NORTHEAST Automotive…
LIABRA & ABCG Meeting Covers BMW Color System and Much More
Wednesday, 22 February 2017 22:43 Featured in AUTOBODYNEWS Ed Kizenberger, Executive Director, LIABRA The Long Island Autobody Repairmen’s Association (LIABRA) and the Auto Body Craftsmen’s Guild (ABCG) held its January General Meeting at Competition BMW in Smithtown, hosted by Parts Director Wayne Locanthi and Group Parts Director Tony Solla. The Competition Auto Group also treated attendees to a delicious buffet dinner before the meeting commenced at 8PM on January 17. LIABRA Executive Director Ed Kizenberger began the meeting by reminding members that LIABRA facilitated the passage of a bill last year which amended 2610 of the insurance law. The law, which took effect January 1, 2017, requires insurers to include…
WIN© Honors 2016 Scholarship Recipients at Gala Awards Ceremony
Tuesday, 10 May 2016 17:20 Featured in AUTOBODYNEWS On Tuesday, May 3, during the 2016 Educational Conference, WIN members took a break from the informative sessions to honor the 2016 Most Influential Woman (MIW) honoree as well as this year’s scholarship winners. The MIW Reception was held outside and attendees were dressed to the nines as they sampled hors d’oeuvres while networking with their collision repair industry peers. Read full article in PDF format here Cheryl Boswell welcomed attendees and introduced Beverly Rook-Twibell and Petra Schroeder, co-Chairs of the Scholarship Committee. Recipients of the scholarships are required to possess a 3.0 GPA, provide school involvement, engage in community service, bring a recommendation…
CCRE’s Fall Seminar Covers Adhesion, Warranties, and Much More
Thursday, 25 October 2012 16:47 To view a pdf file of this article with photos, click HERE. As a follow-up to the CCRE legal seminar held in March 2012—which I attended and wrote about in Autobody News (search “CCRE” at—the Pennsylvania Collision Trade Guild (PCTG) hosted the Coalition for Collision Repair Excellence for the second event in this series of seminars. CCRE’s 2012 Fall Seminar was held Friday and Saturday, September 21–22 at the Airport Embassy Suites in Philadelphia, PA. PCTG decided to host CCRE again due to the overwhelmingly positive responses they received on the 2012 Spring Seminar. An audience of nearly 50 came to Philadelphia from as far away…
Gunpowder, Auto Refinishing, and Jeff Gordon—Two Centuries of DuPont
Thursday, 23 December 2010 20:08 Featured in AUTOBODYNEWS What’s the connection between black gunpowder, auto refinishing, and Jeff Gordon? In a word: DuPont. On December 10, 2010, DuPont held a grand opening to dedicate their new Coatings Technology Center at the Experimental Station in Wilmington, Delaware, only a short distance from where DuPont’s legacy began with the manufacturing of gunpowder at Eleutherian Mills—now known as Hagley—in 1802. The opening celebration consisted of a tour of the new facility, and Hagley Museum and a memorable lunch with NASCAR-champ Jeff Gordon. DuPont’s Experimental Station in Wilmington is the site of extensive research that has lead to many game-changing inventions, such as nylon, Kevlar…